Chapter 31 - Life of a Friend

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***Slight Trigger Warning for this chapter****

***Third-person p.o.v***

"May now!" Laxus shouted.

"Ice Dragon-"

"Lightning Dragon-"

"ROAR!" May and Laxus shouted blowing away the dark guild goons.

Laxus, May and the Thunder Legion fought back fiercely as they battled the dark guild before them.

This dark guild has been causing the nearby towns trouble, so a mission request was sent to Fairytail to defeat them. Of course, Laxus and the Thunder Legion were ready and willing to take the mission.

It was all going well at first, with the team's flawless teamwork until the dark guild decided to show their true colors. Their final members.

"May!" Freed shouted at her.

May turned, only to be hit hard upside the head and sent flying.

"May!" The rest of the group shouted before turning to the dark guild in anger.

"One down four to go," the speed mage that took out May muttered.

"Let's take care of them quickly," another goon muttered as he placed his hand on the ground.

The goon used his magic and caused the ground to split apart.

"An earth mage?" Ever exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, your worst nightmare," the goon muttered with a smirk as he tried to make the ground cave in on her.

"Not quite!" Laxus shouted as he zoomed over and kicked him in the face.

Ever flew into the air alongside Bickslow as they shot their attacks at the speed mage.

"You can't hit me. I'm too fast," he muttered zooming through their attacks.

"We aren't trying too," Bickslow smirked.

Suddenly, the speed mage crashed into a rune wall before getting shocked by it.

"Your speed is no match for my runes," Freed muttered darkly.

"You won't be able to defeat... the three of us..." the goon muttered before he passed out.

"Three of us?" Freed questioned to himself before he gasped glancing around.

"Good job you guys," Laxus smiled as he dragged the other goon over to us.

"Easy peezy," Bickslow grinned.

"Now we need to find May and make sure she's-" Ever started.

"Watch out!" Freed shouted as he pushed Laxus out of the way.


Laxus, Ever and Bickslow's eyes widened in horror as a magic bullet shot through Freed's heart.

Freed fell to the ground as a choked gasp left his throat.

"Two down," the sniper goon muttered from afar.

Bickslow used his eye magic in a rage, freezing the goon from his spot before he made him fall from his sniping position, knocking him unconscious.

"Freed!" Laxus shouted kneeling next to him.

"No, Mavis no," Laxus muttered fearfully as he gazed at the wound.

He was shot through the heart. There's no going back from that.

Ever cried at the sight falling to her knees.

Bickslow looked away as tears fell from his eyes as well.

"Crap. Sorry, I- I thought my runes would block the shot. But- I guess- he used an anti-magic bullet. Sorry," Freed weakly uttered out.

Laxus shook his head. "No. No. Freed don't apologize. You did everything you could. You protected me, like you always do. Please don't apologize, please," Laxus cried.

***May's p.o.v***

I shook my head as I tried to shake away the dizziness as I sat up.

My eyes widened in horror at the sight before me.

Everyone was gathered around Freed and crying.

I stood up in a panic as I ran over.

I stood behind the others as my eyes widened in horror at the fatal wound.

'We have to do something! We can't just let him die! What do we do!?! We have to save him! I have to save him!' I thought as I pushed Laxus out of the way.

"May-" Laxus croaked.

I slammed my hands onto Freed's chest.

'Please! Please! Something! Anything! Please save Freed!' I thought as I poured everything I had into him.

Ice incased his wound as magic energy waved off of my body in a glow of aurora colors.

The ice shattered blowing me back. I didn't have the strength to sit back up and I could barely keep myself conscious as I had used up so much magic energy.

Freed bolted up gasping for air in shock. He tapped his hand over his wound surprised to find it no longer there.

The others glanced in shock before turning to me.

"That was... healing magic," Ever gasped.

"I didn't know you could use healing magic," Bickslow spoke.

"May... how did- how did you do that?" Laxus gasped in shock.

"I don't- I don't know. I just- I just didn't want to lose Freed. He's my family," I cried.

"May, thank you," Freed muttered.

Laxus sighed. "Let's get back to the guild. We can ask Porlyusica and maybe Wendy about your magic May. Freed, we still don't know if your fully healed yet so take it easy and we'll have Porlyusica and Wendy check you over," Laxus ordered.

We nodded.

Laxus picked me up and carried me on his back as Ever and Bickslow helped out Freed.

"Get some rest May. You did great. Thank you. Thank you for saving Freed," Laxus smiled.

I smiled back as I fell asleep in his arms.

***Elsewhere***      ***????? p.o.v***

"So? What do you think?" An ominous voice asked.

"She definitely shows promise, but there's still no proof she's the one," another evil raspy voice spoke.

"Even as she's an ice dragon slayer?" The ominous voice asked.

"Even if she is the Ice Dragon Slayer, if she's not powerful enough then she will not suit my plans, Ivan," he spoke.

"She will need to be properly tested to make sure she's the one. I'll make sure of that. Only then will I be convinced," he spoke seriously.

Ivan chuckled, "Then by all means, test her. You will know soon enough that she's the one. That she's the Ice Empress."

A/N: Ooooh, diving into some plot now! Bad Dad is back! But who's he talking too??? Stay tuned to find out! Also, just so you guys know, the rest of this story will take place after the Alvarez arc, but before the Hundred year quest arc. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!!

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