Chapter 12- A Misconception

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, my weekend was busier than I thought it would be. Enjoy the chapter!!!

***Laxus's p.o.v***

I woke up to the sun hitting my face before I stretched and sat up. Glancing around, I'm reminded how much of a mess this place was left in, grumbling to myself about never letting Bickslow over again, before getting up and getting ready for the day.

Upon stepping out of my room however, I couldn't stop myself from saying, "What the hell?"

Every inch of the place was spotless. I walked around in shock seeing the place perfectly cleaned and organized, even the bathrooms and spare bedrooms were cleaned out. And the kitchen, Laxus knew there were dishes there a mile-high last night, but now they were gone, and the kitchen was sparkling it was so clean.

I was in utter shock, the place had never been so clean, even when Freed was over it had never been this clean before.

I walked around a bit more before I froze. Laxus didn't find Maylene on the couch like he expected her to be, instead he found her in an uncomfortable position, passed out against the coffee table with a piece of paper in her hand. Upon closer inspection, he noticed it to be a cleaning list.

'She stayed up all night cleaning?' I thought surprised.

"What the hell?" I found myself muttering.

I sighed, picking her up and laying her on the couch before draping a blanket over top of her. 'Might as well clean my own room while she rests. I kind of have to now, it just looks so out of place from the rest of the house,' I thought, shaking my head.


Shortly after I cleaned my own room, Maylene woke up, and after getting ourselves ready for the day, we headed out to the guild. We arrived as I opened the guild doors, Maylene wandered over to Gajeel's table as I wandered over to my table with the rest of the Thunder Legion.

Arriving at my usual table, I sat down with a heavy sigh.

"So how did it go?" Freed asked, referring to my first night with Maylene.

Upon my disgruntled look, Bickslow raised his eyebrows. "That bad huh?" he questioned.

I sighed and explained to them what happened.

"Woah, really?" Bickslow questions in shock.

"Yeah, she just went and stayed up all night cleaning the place. I didn't want that. I mean who does that?" I exclaimed.

"Remember, Gajeel did say Ivan treated her as his own personal slave," Freed reminded.

"I still didn't want her to do all that!" I argued.

"Ever, you okay? You've been really quiet," Bickslow asked her.

"Hmm? Uh, yeah, well that just reminds me of something that she said during our time in Crocus," Ever muttered.

We turned our attention to her. "When I first showed her into our room, she was surprised when I gave her a bed to sleep on," Ever muttered sadly.

"What?!" we gasped in shock and surprise.

"Apparently, she's usually made to sleep on the floor," Ever finished sadly.

"Bastard," Bickslow muttered under his breath as Freed and I grinded our teeth in anger.

"Not only that, but when she had a nightmare the next night, she was too afraid to let me even near her to help her," Ever muttered ashamed.

"It's not your fault Ever," Freed assured her as he placed his hand over hers.

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