Chapter 19-A Little Bit of Friendly Mischief

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***May's p.o.v***

It was just another day at the Fairytail guild, where everything is... the opposite of calm.

Natsu and Gray had started another fight, which of course led to the whole guild being involved.

I stayed out of it of course, sitting quietly amongst the chaos.

Well, it was quiet before I was dragged into the chaos.

As I was sitting there, someone grabbed me and carried me away. The next thing I know we're out of the guildhall as I'm on someone's shoulders.

Looking down, I noticed it to be Bickslow.

"Bickslow?" I questioned.

He chuckled, "Sorry May. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought we could get away from the chaos for a bit."

"Ok, where are we going?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I just wanted to spend some time with you. The others have all gotten a chance to spend time with you and now you get along great with them, but I never got that chance with you. I guess you could say I got a bit jealous, especially since I'm the one who initiated that fight between Natsu and Gray anyway," Bickslow confessed sheepishly.

I gasped, "Then you ate Natsu's food?"

Bickslow chuckled sheepishly, "And left ice crumbs to make it look like Gray did it? Yeah, that was me."

"You didn't have to do that. I would've spent time with you if you just asked," I replied.

"That's sweet of you to say May, but I don't think Laxus would have let you," Bickslow answered.

I glanced down at him confused, "Why not?"

Bickslow chuckled, "Let's just say I'd have more fun with you."

"Oh! I know! How about I take you to my favorite toy store!" Bickslow suggested.

"Oh ok!" I smiled happily.

After arriving at the toy store, Bickslow showed me around a bit as we explored the store and talked.

We got to know each other more and I started to feel really comfortable around him. He was so nice, and funny too.

After a little while, Bickslow asked, "So what's your favorite toy you saw here?"

I blinked down at him surprised by his question before I looked back up in thought.

"I like the stuffed animals, they were pretty cool and really soft too," I answered.

Bickslow walked us over to the stuffed animal section before asking, "Which one of these stuffed animals is your all-time favorite May?"

I glanced around at all of them before pointing to a pretty, colorful snowy owl with bright yellow beaded eyes.

"I like that one. It's really pretty," I smiled.

Bickslow smiled as he grabbed it off the shelf before walking over to the counter and buying it.

"Here you go May. It's all yours," Bickslow said handing me the stuffed owl as we exited the toy store.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yup, it's all yours," Bickslow smiled.

"Thank you Bickslow!" I exclaimed, giving his head a hug as I hugged my new stuffed owl.

"Your welcome May. So, what else do you want to do?" Bickslow asked me.

***Timeskip***         ***Laxus's p.o.v***

"I can't believe I didn't notice him run off with her," I growled searching around Magnolia for any sign of Bickslow or May.

"I'm sure they haven't gotten far," Ever muttered from behind me.

"Bickslow wouldn't take her anywhere dangerous," Freed reasoned.

"That doesn't mean he won't get into trouble," I grumbled.

Soon enough, I caught May's scent and bolted in that direction, Ever and Freed close behind me.

Turning a corner, I finally spotted May with Bickslow.

Approaching the two, May turned around and smiled noticing us.

"May, Bickslow, there you two are! We've been looking all over for you two," Ever said as we approached.

Right before I could reprimand Bickslow for running off with my sister, May spoke up.

"We've been having so much fun! Bickslow took me to the toy store where he got me this!" May exclaimed happily as she showed off her new stuffed owl.

"We went and tried on funny costumes and now we're going to try something called ice cream!" May exclaimed happily.

I blinked in surprise before I smiled.

"Sounds like you're having fun," I said to her.

Bickslow smiled, proud of his good work.

I gave him a look telling him that we're going to have a talk later.

"Oh! Laxus, why don't you all come with us! Please!" May begged.

"Sure, why not," I smiled as the others nodded.

"Yay!" May exclaimed happily.

"Let's go!" May exclaimed.

I chuckled along with the others.

"Alright May, we're coming," I smiled as we together headed out for some ice cream.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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