Chapter 14- One Step at a Time

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A/N: Sorry I was so late, I had a busy weekend. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! This one is really cute so I hope you like it!

***Third-person p.o.v***

It was a pretty normal day within the Fairytail guild. It's been about a week since the guild returned from the Grand Magic Games, and Maylene still wasn't comfortable around anyone besides Gajeel, Levy, and Lily.

Every morning she would arrive at the guildhall trailing behind Laxus, and she would always head straight to Gajeel's table and hang out with him until it was time to head back home with Laxus.

It wasn't as if the other members of the guild haven't tried to interact with her, but every time they tried, they overwhelmed her, and she would always shy away.

Currently, Maylene is sitting at Gajeel's usual table, Lily left a while ago to do some sword training with Erza, Gajeel left to grab some iron snacks to chomp on, and Levy had just left after being dragged away by Lucy for something, leaving Maylene alone.

The guild carried on normally as Maylene just sat there waiting for them all to come back.

Team Natsu was at their usual table now also accompanied by Levy, happily chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey Carla, wanna share this fish with me," Happy offered.

"No thank you," Carla denied, much to Happy's disappointment.

Happy sighed before turning and widening his eyes when he noticed Maylene all by herself. Turning back to the others at his table for a second, Happy nodded to himself before turning back and hopping off the table.

***Maylene's p.o.v***

I sat patiently as I waited for Gajeel and the others to return.

"Hey Maylene," someone said softly, making me perk up at the voice.

"Oh, Mister Happy..." I trailed off as he climbed onto the table to face me.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" Happy asked.

"Waiting for Gajeel and the others to come back," I timidly answered.

"Don't you have something you want to do?" Happy asked me.

I looked at him confused, "Something I want to do?"

"Yeah, like something fun or something that makes you happy. Isn't there anything you want to do or try?" Happy asked gently.

"I-I don't know..." I timidly answered.

Sensing I was starting to shy away, Happy quickly came up with an idea. "Oh! I know! What if I told you some examples! Like Natsu likes to fight. Lucy likes writing. Levy likes reading, and I like to eat fish!" Happy told me as he waved his hands happily.

"So is there anything you want to do or try?" Happy asked.

I looked down in my lap and squeezed my hands together in thought.

"I-I've never had a hug before," I whispered.

Happy was silent. I closed my eyes and bit my lip in shame, thinking how I should've kept my mouth shut before I tensed as I felt something soft in my lap.

I opened my eyes and saw Happy in my lap wrapping his little arms around me.

"How's this?" Happy asked.

I relaxed and wrapped my arms around Happy, holding him close. "You're so warm, and soft," I whispered in surprise before I smiled.

Happy smiled. "I'm glad you like it. I'm glad I got to make you smile," Happy responds from the hug.

"You are?" I questioned.

"Of course! We're family! We always want to see each other smile!" Happy said with a cheeky grin.

"Family?" I questioned confused.

"Yeah, everyone in the guild is always considered family!" Happy exclaimed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Uh-huh," Happy smiled.

I smiled.

"You can have a hug whenever you want Maylene, you only have to ask," Happy said with a smile up to me.

"C-can you stay then? I like your hugs," I asked him, not wanting him to leave me alone just yet.

Happy nodded, but turned around and sat in my lap, my arms still around him.

"I like your hugs too Maylene," Happy smiled.

"Y-you can have one whenever you want too," I answered.

"Really? Awesome!" Happy smiled, making me smile in response.

"So what else do you like to do?" Happy asks me.

***Third-person p.o.v***

The Thunder Legion and Laxus were chatting casually at their usual table before Gajeel approached them.

"Hey, check this out," Gajeel whispers, pointing behind him.

Laxus and the Thunder Legion turned and widened their eyes in surprise at the sight.

Maylene was happily chatting with Happy. She had a huge smile on her face as she held Happy close.

Looking around, it looks like the others have now noticed the two as well.

"They've been talking for quite a while now," Gajeel says with a smirk.

"I told you guys, didn't I? You have to take it slow. It just takes one step at a time," Gajeel said with a smile as he watched Maylene.

Laxus stared at Maylene, a longing look in his eyes as he watched Maylene smile.

***Timeskip***       ***Maylene's p.o.v***

I wiped away another tear as I sniffled from being jolted awake from another nightmare.

I sniffled again before I froze in fear noticing Laxus by my door.

He stared back at me with a look I didn't recognize before he sighed deeply.

"I know you don't want my help, but I'll be here if you ever need it," Laxus muttered before he walked back to his room.

I sat there and blinked back my tears in surprise before I shook my head and buried myself under the covers again as sleep took over me once more.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment and enjoy your day everyday!!!

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