Chapter 21- Play Date

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***May's p.o.v***

"Hey May," a voice announced.

"Hi Wendy!" I exclaimed to her.

"You ready for today?" Wendy asked happily.

I nodded happily.

"Yeah, I can't wait! I-" I paused realizing something.

"What's wrong May?" Wendy asked.

"I forgot to tell Laxus!" I exclaimed covering my face.

"I was going to tell him, but then the whole mission thing happened, and I forgot to tell him!" I exclaimed burying my hands in my face in shame.

"It's ok May, we can do it another time," Wendy responded disappointed.

"No! I'll tell him right now! We planned on doing this for days and we're not throwing it away now!" I spoke confidently, standing up.

"May, you don't have to-"

"No! I do have to! It wouldn't be fair if we didn't do it cause I forgot to tell him now," I said as I headed over to Laxus's table as he sat alongside the Thunder Legion.

"Um, Laxus," I spoke up, gaining his attention.

"Can I hang out with Wendy at her dorm and sleepover please?" I asked him.

"Tonight?" He questioned.

I nodded. "If you're worried, the other girls will be next door if something happens, including Evergreen, so please can I go? I know this is last minute, but I forgot to tell you. Please let me go," I practically begged.

Laxus chuckled, "You can go as long as Wendy helps you pack. We've got a mission tomorrow, so I'll meet you in the guild tomorrow morning."

"Really? Yes! Come on Wendy let's go!" I exclaimed cheerfully as Wendy and I ran out of the guildhall.


"This is my room," Wendy said opening the door as I entered her room behind her.

"It's pretty Wendy," I said admiring her room.

"So, what do you want to do first?" I asked her.

"We could maybe have a tea party? Sorry I don't have snacks or drinks though, so it might be kind of boring," Wendy muttered sadly.

"We could make some snacks," I suggested.

"But I don't really know how to make anything without Carla," Wendy answers sadly.

Carla was staying with Levy tonight so Wendy and I could spend some quality time together.

"Don't worry I know how, and you can help! But where's the kitchen? Is there a kitchen?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's a shared kitchen for the dorms. It's downstairs. Here, I'll show you," Wendy answers leading the way.


"Yeah, we definitely have what we need," I said as I looked through the cabinets of ingredients.

"For what?" Wendy questioned.

"Chocolate Bundt Cakes!" I answered happily.

"Oh, and tea of course," I smiled.

"That sounds delicious! You know how to make them?" Wendy questioned.

I nodded, "Yeah, I had to cook a lot for dad, but I loved to bake for fun in my free time!"

"Then let's get started!" Wendy exclaimed happily.

Wendy and I spent the next few hours baking as I taught her how to make Bundt cakes. We even got into a bit of a food fight as well.

Once they were finished, we went around handing out the extra to the other girls in the dorm, who were very thankful for it before we washed up, dressed up and had our tea party.

The Bundt cakes were delicious as was the tea and we even made some crafts as well.

Afterwards, we got into our pjs for the night and we even asked Erza if she could read us a scary story before bed. Don't worry, it wasn't too scary, just scary enough to be fun.

We even finished up the night with a pillow fight. We ended up having a blast.

"Hey May?"

"Yeah?" I responded with a whisper as we were settled in for the night.

"There's something I've wanted to ask you," Wendy said to me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"What's it like having Laxus as your older brother?" Wendy asked curiously.

I stared up at the ceiling from my sleeping bag as I thought on that.

"He's nice and very protective, but he's supportive to. He's trying to encourage me to be myself and not listen to father's terrible rules," I explained.

"That's good. I'm glad he's looking out for you. Goodnight May," Wendy whispered before she yawned and turned away to sleep.

"Yeah... Goodnight," I whispered back.

'Looking out for me huh? I wish I could look out for him the same way he looks out for me, but I don't know what to do. I just wish I could figure out what's been bothering him,' I thought before I fell asleep.

***Laxus's p.o.v***

I sighed as I dried the last dish for the night. I turned around into the empty silent kitchen.

'I wonder how May's doing?' I thought to myself, missing her presence.

'She's probably fine. She's got Wendy and the rest of the girls with her, and it's good for her to be around others and not just me all the time,' I thought with a smile, before my smiled faltered.

'Can I really do this? Am I good enough for her? Can I really protect her?' I questioned gazing up at the ceiling.

Memories of Ivan, Gajeel's words of how she was treated, and of my own lacrima experiments flashed in my mind.

I quickly shook them away gripping the table angrily.

The table cracked and I jolted gazing at the damage I created. The Battle of Fairytail played through my mind. I bit my lip.

'No, I won't be like him. I can't be like him. I don't want to be... I just, can't be... a monster.'

***Timeskip***        ***May's p.o.v***

"I had so much fun! We should do this again sometime!" Wendy exclaimed as we walked into the guildhall.

I nodded happily in agreement. "Yeah! We should do this again sometime!" I agreed.

"Hey May," a voice announced.

"Oh! Hi Laxus," I smiled up at him.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

Wendy and I giggled at one another.

"Yeah, we had a blast!" I smiled brightly.

Laxus smiled.

"I'm glad May. You ready to go? We've got a mission," Laxus asked.

I waved goodbye to Wendy before I turned back to Laxus.

"I'm ready!" I exclaimed.

"Then let's go," Laxus said as I followed right behind him. 

A/N: Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and enjoy your day everyday! See you in the next chapter!

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