"What do you want to drink, angel?" He whispered in my ear as goosebumps rose all over my skin. I roll my eyes at him secretly adoring the nickname he's chosen for me.
"Haven't I told you, Harry, that's not my name?" He gives me a genuin...
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I feel like I'm going to puke. I did not think this through. I am not as prepared as I thought I would be.
I was currently in the car with Harry on our way to my mom's house and I was silently freaking out in the passenger seat. I may be crazy for thinking any of this was a good idea but I guess we'll find out.
When I told Harry about the message and my talk with Jolene he was very apprehensive to help me in my quest of being hopeless. He was worried about me and how the situation would affect me if I decided to see her. He had every right to be, same as Jo. But I could do this. I was going to do this.
He finally agreed with me after I explained that I really needed this and I wanted his help. No matter what happens today, I'd get the closure I needed.
Maybe now I could close this door and finally open a new one in my life.
Harry was mindlessly tapping his ring clad fingers against the steering wheel as he drove. He hummed along with the music that was quietly playing through the stereo. His voice was calming and it was my favorite.
My eyes were a bit blurry because I had fallen asleep for a short while on our way here. I rubbed my eyes as my movement caught his attention. He let one hand slip from the wheel and find it's way to my clothed thigh.
He rubbed his hand up and down it soothingly before stopping mid-thigh and giving me a reassuring squeeze. I let my fingers graze over his hand behind wrapping it around his wrist and leaning my head against the window.
My mind wandered as I tried to keep it occupied from thoughts about where we were going and what we were about to do. I let myself begin to remember the small number of good memories I had with my mom. My favorite times were when I was maybe 7 years old and Zayn would come over to play. She used to love playing along with us, she took such good care of us before my dad left. She genuinely loved me in those moments.
I took a deep breath as my head lulled back and my eyes closed.
"Oh my goodness!" I squealed, clapping my hands together as I placed a shiny tiara in Zayn's head. It had pink sparkles which matched the dress that I picked out for him perfectly. His brown eyes met mine after he finished looking at himself in the mirror.
"It's really pretty, Ang. Maybe next time can I wear the blue one?" He questioned as his hands flattened against the dress that was sat over his normal clothes. "I know s'you're favorite but it's got that fluffy stuff all around the bottom." His smile as he talked about the dress I was wearing grew and I knew he loved when we played dress-up.
Every time we played I'd give him a new color dress but never my blue one because it was my favorite. I never let anyone touch it. When I first met Zayn I wasn't sure if he would want to play dress-up with me because Liam never did. Zayn immediately agreed the first time I asked and from that day on I knew we were going to be best friends. He was always so nice to me. I didn't have many friends from school, but when he moved in next-door he was very excited to make new friends.