"What do you want to drink, angel?" He whispered in my ear as goosebumps rose all over my skin. I roll my eyes at him secretly adoring the nickname he's chosen for me.
"Haven't I told you, Harry, that's not my name?" He gives me a genuin...
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Warm sunlight shining through, poking at my eyelids coercing me to wake up. I squeeze my eyes before roughly rubbing the sleep from them.
I roll over slightly feeling a hard surface beneath my back which had made my entire body sore. I finally gather the strength to sit up which simultaneously triggers my headache.
I open my eyes to see that I'm sat on the floor in front of the couch where Zayn is passed out from the night before. How I ended up staying here I have no clue.
Getting cross-faded was probably not the best idea I've ever had knowing I wanted to talk to Angela today.
My throat was dry and scratchy, every time I tried to swallow it'd get stuck in my throat. I finally gave up on trying to ease the discomfort before I raised my left hand and brought it down to slap Zayn's chest.
His body jolts awake sitting up straight and looking around frantically. "What the fuck?" He rubs the sleep from his eyes before laying back down again.
"What time is it?" He groans using the pillow beside him to cover his face from the light shining in. I reach for my phone in my back pocket, hitting the home button, and seeing the numbers pop up.
"It's already noon. Fuck." I grumble before slowly rising to my feet. I need to shower and brush my teeth. I could taste the alcohol and weed lingering on my tongue.
All I was focused on was getting my shit together and going to fix things with my girl.
"You have a ride home?" He asks before standing up with me using his hands to tame his hair. Mine probably looked worse, my hair was getting longer and almost passed my shoulders.
Shoving my phone back in my pocket I shake my head, "No, I came with Liam and Jo." He nodded understandingly back at me before fishing his keys from his own pockets.
I was worried Angel would be angry with me for coming to find her last night but she gave me no choice. You don't ghost someone you "care" about.
I was concerned about her, she's my girlfriend. Or was? I honestly don't know with the way she's been acting. She seems like she wants nothing to do with me.
Honestly, she shouldn't be angry with me. All I ever do is comfort her and what do I get? I get yelled at and pushed away. I know Zayn tried to explain it all to me last night and I'm more understanding of it all now but that doesn't wash away the doubt or the anger.
I know she's had it hard and it's not going to be easy for us to move past it but if she wants her future to be better she has to try.