"What do you want to drink, angel?" He whispered in my ear as goosebumps rose all over my skin. I roll my eyes at him secretly adoring the nickname he's chosen for me.
"Haven't I told you, Harry, that's not my name?" He gives me a genuin...
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Ever since we were kids Angela always managed to drag me into her messes.
Not that I minded, she was my oldest and closest friend even though we never saw much of each other once we graduated.
When we were younger she always took care of me, she was the sister I always wanted. My parents worked a lot so they weren't around much to give me the attention I wanted as a child so I'd always go over to Angela's house since she was my neighbor.
I would go over to her house every day over summer. Her only condition of having to endure my presence every day was that she was able to dress me up.
That girl was obsessed with princess dresses and painting my nails. I never cared much, as long as I had someone to play with I was happy.
I remember when she used to have me practice braiding on her hair and I'd completely fail. She'd usually end up with knots in her hair but she always said I did a good job.
For someone who never got validation from her family, she sure was adamant about giving it to others.
She's very strong, I've never seen someone go through so much and still persevere. When we were in high school I taught her how to fight so she could always protect herself when she went off to college.
But she was never a fighter, she didn't like physical violence or confrontation. She did her best to steer clear of it.
Me on the other hand? I had quite the issue of fighting in high school. I was troubled, I never cared about my education much and always wanted to cause a disturbance.
Ang used to slap me around for being so stupid and not giving a damn about my future. She whipped me into shape, she wanted me to graduate so I wouldn't be left behind.
She always cared for others before herself. At least she tried to.
Granted she was a mess but, she was my mess. Honestly, aren't we all complete messes for most of our lives?
You live and you learn.
I knew that she was hurting from the minute she called me to the minute I got to her room. She seemed completely shut out from the world. She looked empty.
It took me four days to finally pry what happened out of her and when I did, she let her emotions flow like a river.
She never meant to hurt Harry, she cared for him a lot but she didn't know how to keep him safe from what was going on inside of her own head.