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Ringing, the shrill sound permeated throughout my whole body

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Ringing, the shrill sound permeated throughout my whole body. This has to be some sick joke, who would call me at such an ungodly hour. Maybe if I ignore it long enough it will go away.

You've tried that before, it never works.

The horrid sound finally stops leaving me to peacefully go back to sleep, until it starts again seconds later making me groan loudly in displeasure.

I roll over to see Jolene's bed empty wondering where she was, I look at the alarm clock on her desk realizing its noon, and I've missed one of my classes.

I roll my eyes knowing Jo left me here because I would've been useless in class from the effects of my hangover. She was too nice to me, I didn't deserve her. I grab my phone to see who has decided to annoy me today and see Liam flashing across my screen.

Why, just why does the universe hate me? My brother only ever called me when he needed something or wanted to yell at me for not responding to our mother's calls.

If I didn't answer her she would call Liam and he was always too busy for her but she still loved him more. Our mother always favored Liam, so did our dad, that is before he left us like garbage.

I've got to stop thinking about this before I become crazier than I already am. "To what do I owe the pleasure my sweet and loving brother." I sing out in a condescending tone hoping he just hangs up instead of speaking to me.

"Good morning to you too princess, who pissed in your cheerios?" Liam was being nice, well for him this was nice. He must want something, good thing I'm very prepared to tell him to shove it up his ass.

"What do you want Liam?" I question and he chirps up immediately answering, "I'm so glad you asked Ang, I need you to drive with me to mums next weekend. She called and wants us home for a couple of days, she misses us."

I have never laughed so hard, I think I may have coughed up a lung from wheezing so damn hard.

"Funny shit Li, that woman wouldn't miss me if I was the last person on earth." It was true, sometimes I believed she hated me. No matter how hard I tried to please her nothing was ever good enough, I was the disappointment and she probably wished I left and never came back like my father.

Anything from my looks to my actions, she would always have something to say that would end up making me feel bad about myself.

I never felt human around her, I was practically a punching bag for her words. If that was how mothers loved their daughters I had always wished she would stop loving me.

I didn't hate her, even though I feel like I should, it's hard to hate someone who cared for you at some point.

She put a roof over my head and made sure I got an education, to her that was more than enough. I want to hate her, I want to be mad, and never speak to her again but I can't. For some reason there's an invisible thread tying us together, I wish someone would cut it.

I'm not sure if it was something I did but neither my mum nor Liam ever trusted me. Liam always chose his friends over me and my mum chose anyone over me.

It had to be my fault if both of them never believed me or cared for me, Liam used to before the incident with his fucking friend two years ago.

That was the worst day of my life, that was the day my brain started screaming from the inside and never stopped. Liam trusted his friends over me, the only person who knew the truth was Jolene.

"Cmon Ang, come over tonight were having a party. I'll have an unlimited supply of alcohol if you go with me to mums?" Liam knew how to get me to say yes, I loved to party, it was one of the few things that made my mind go blank.

Wait, what did he just say?

"Liam, what do you mean we?" He lived alone and the rest of his friends were fraternity guys and they always have parties at the frat house.

"Yeah about that, I had an old friend move in from England. Remember the guy I stayed with when I traveled last year? He transferred here and is going to stay at the apartment with me, he hates the dorms as well." Liam explained which just made me more confused like I remember who you lived with when you were gone for a year.

"Li, you hate living with people, you always said you like to have your own place?" That was the whole reason he didn't live in the dorms anymore, his last roommate annoyed him so much he moved out in the middle of the night.

"I like Harry, he's cool and keeps to himself I don't mind." My eyes widen at his words, Harry?

That's impossible, the same harry I literally ran into last night? Liam said he was from England, its too much of a coincidence. I have a nervous but giddy feeling, I'd like to see him again, make him blush. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen even if it was merely for a few moments.

I rush out my next words with a small smile, "I'll be there Liam, the party and mums." I couldn't figure out why I wanted to see Harry so much but things that made me feel good never happened more than once.

I'll be taking advantage of any chance I get to feel better than I do when I'm alone. Liam cleared his voice and said, "Cool, I'll see you and Jo there then?" I hum out an 'mhm' saying my goodbyes before I slump back on my bed with a smile.

I quickly get back up to get dressed for my next class, anatomy, my favorite. Not, my professor gave too much work for anyone to do and I excelled in that class.

I finish dressing myself rushing to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. After I fix the mess on my face I grab my bag and head to class.

The walk across campus is short, as soon as I walk into class I find my seat taking out my laptop and textbook. I really hoped this class wouldn't kick my ass today.

All I was looking forward to was the party tonight and seeing Harry. Would he be happy to see me? I wondered if he got the same giddy feeling when we spoke last night, something was different with him, all I wanted to do was know more about him.

Speaking of the shy little devil.

"Hey, Angel."


Hiii! This is my first fanfic and I'm really excited to get this journey for Angel and Harry down on paper! I've been super nervous for a while to publish but I've had some amazing friends push me to do it! I really hope you guys love this story as much as I do. Please vote I'd really appreciate it!<3

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