Till You Face-Planted

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"If we don't tell you Minho will."

"Hey, you alright Alby?" Newt says cheerfully. He's always happy on greenie day. Another greenie. Another person. Alby chuckles when he sees the two of us. "Y/N said you called for me."

"Yeah." Alby laughs. He turns to the dark-haired boy again. "Greenbean meet Newt.

"Hi." Newt smiles while shaking his hand. 

"When I'm not around, he's in charge." Alby continues. The greenie looks around awkwardly like he's not sure whether to fight, run, or cry. 

"It's a good thing your always around then." Newt's hand falls back to his side. "Listen, that was some dash you made earlier. You know, for a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner."

"Till you face-planted," I added.

Newt snickered and pushed my shoulder a little bit telling me, "That's great." Alby laughed along too. The boy was either deaf or couldn't take a joke. Either way, the boy still gave me bad vibes. And when that box came up I knew something bad was going to happen. Not just to me. Not just to him. But to everyone. 

"W-wait a 'runner'?" The boy asks confused. Newt's face falls knowing he might have said a little too much. He's only been here a few hours at most. 

This is Y/N," He nods his head towards me and I softly say hey. "You two have already met, though. She's Newts- I'll let them tell you about it." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"If we don't tell you Minho will." I laugh making Newt laugh too. Alby looked between the two of them and continued talking to clear the air of any tension.

"And this is Y/N," He clears his throat before speaking. "She's a medjack and Newt's- well I'll let them tell you."

"If Minho hasn't already told him," I respond. The greenie raises his eyebrow. "I pretty much help everyone around here," I add.

Alby nods before turning to Newt. "Newt, do me a favor. Go find Chuck?" 

"All right," Newt responds. He looks at me and sticks out his left hand. I lift my right one and interlock our fingers as we walk past them. Alby thanks him before going back to talking to the greenie. 

Newts thumb rubs over mine when I hear footsteps running. "Sorry to-" Gally clears his throat. "Well interrupt. But mind if I borrow Y/N?" Newt's fingers slide out of mine as he gives me a weak smile. 

"Sorry," I whisper to him. "See you at lunch?" He only responds with a nod. I hated leaving him for things like this, especially with Gally. No one likes Gally and yeah, he's a dick to everyone but he's only nice to me. 

As we walk side by side Gally starts talking. "You know how everyone for about a year now has come up with cassette tapes?" I look at him and nod. "Well, this greenie didn't." I knew something was off about him. 

"You sure it's not in one of the boxes?" I clarify hoping they just overlooked something. I wasn't upset he didn't have a cassette but it wasn't normal. And anything not normal wasn't good. 

"I mean, we haven't check all the boxes but they aren't typically in boxes, right?" I nod as we arrive at where all the boxes are. 

Gladers pulled up more boxes and crates of animals, running supplies, and food. Along with anything else we needed.

"So why did you need me here?"

"Hoping you could look yourself. If anyone can find a mistake of ours, it's you." He laughs. I laugh with him knowing he's right.

I peered over the edge of the large crate remembering when I first came up. 'Hey it's alright.' was the first thing anyone said to me that I can remember and it came from Gally. A much younger Gally but still him. Over the years Gally became a bigger jerk, arranging fight circles and pushing the smaller gladers around. He didn't use to be like that.

I hop down into the box, my black combat boots making the cage rattle as I land on my two feet. I look around at the almost empty box trying to find any clue as to why it was missing or where this tape was. But I couldn't find any. A fault in the system. A fault in routine. It wasn't a good sign. 


After lunch with Newt, I sat with Gally and his goons a little while longer discussing what was in the boxes and who or where they needed to go. Lots of clothes this go round which is nice for a change. We won't have to wear the same rags every day. 

I talk to Winston about one of the pigs whos either dead or just passed out of fear. The box isn't quite and it isn't calming. 

Then I hear yelling in front of me. I don't know when but Gally somehow snuck away from the group. I looked up in time to see him shove the new Greenie down. Arguments started up.

"Damnit, Gally." I cursed under my breath as I sprinted to the forming crowd. Anytime drama pops up all the guys run to it. They're like preppy middle school girls. 

"Hey what the hell is wrong with you guys." The greenie yells at us as we approach. I run next to Newt when I spot his white sweatshirt. 

"Just calm down, all right?" Newt puts his hands out in front of him hoping it'll calm him down. 

"No, okay?" The greenie shoots back. Anger fills his eyes as he continues to yell at us. "Why won't you tell me what's out there." This greenie asks a lot of questions, doesn't he. 

"We're just trying to protect you, man. For your own good." Now it's Alby's turn to stick a hand out to calm him down. But it doesn't seem to be working. If he doesn't stop soon he's going to be banished. 

"All right, you guys can't just keep me here?"

"We can't let you leave," I add in.

"Why not??" As if someone was watching, and they probably were, and timing it precisely to my words and his, the deep rumbling came from the maze. The noise shuts him up for a moment as he turns around to see what we all knew. It's time for the gates to close.

Wind shot out from the passageways blowing air at us like a storm. It was quiet but I could hear him mumble 'what the hell'. The rumbling grew louder as the mechanic doors, that surely broke some law of physics, closed. The pieces sliding into their spots like a perfect puzzle. 

The doors banged shut, a sound we all had grown used to. Except maybe Chuck but he's young and the newest. 

"Next time," Gally starts up again. "I'm going to let you leave."

"Can we not do that now ass hole?" I ask as he walks by to which he flips me off. I roll my eyes and turn back to Newt. 

Newt, Alby, and I turn away from the greenie after Alby says welcome to the glade leaving the greenie speechless. 

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