"Each one has a different Gladers name on it."
Newt was next to come down in the box even though Alby told him he shouldn't. He walked over to me to see what I was looking at.
"Music? What the bloody hell does that mean?" He said taking the note from my hands. The paper crinkled as he read the black writing again and again like it was deeper than intended.
"I don't know." I crossed my arms across my stomach and rubbed them suddenly feeling sick. This was the first time they've communicated at least since I've been here.
The sentence 'The music was all Y/N's idea' stirred something inside of me. Dejavu? Just more proof I had a life before all of this. Before Minho, Alby, and Newt. Before the Glade and maze. I was a normal human. I think.
I looked around for a little trying to find more evidence of the music the note talked about when I came upon something. A cassette tape player. I picked up the black and blue box and examined it. WKCD was written along the side and it looked brand new.
"Newt," I said walking over to him. "Look." I handed him the box and he took it from me.
"I remember these. Somehow. There should be some tapes around here." He looked at me with his brown eyes, excitement filling them. "The music."
I nodded and started looking again. This time opening boxes and crates. Three crates packed full of clothes and shoes. Others with food and pots. Frypan looked like he could explode. I finally came across a crate that didn't look like it belonged. Instead of metal or brown rough wood, it was a light green one. This one had my name written along the top and looked like a kid's toy chest.
Newt walked up behind me tall enough to see over my head. "What's that? Why's it got your name?"
"You think I know?" He shrugged and pushed me forward towards it. I crouched down and placed my hands on the top of it tracing over the cursive letters. I reached down and pushed open the top. The lid was connected to the base, unlike all the other boxes.
I looked inside, Newt looking over my shoulder just as curious as me. Inside laid tons of cassette tapes with no sense of organization. I reached in and pulled one out. On the outside of the tape was a name. Zart. Each cassette had a different name of a different glader inside.
I put back the tapes I had brought out and called in Gally to get the toy chest because it was heavy. He hopped down and grabbed it with the help of Doug, one of the other builders. They dragged it onto the grass then helped me and Newt up the box.
"What's that?" Gally asked once we got up there with him.
I didn't answer but I opened it and let him look inside.
"Cassette tapes?" I nodded still confused.
"Look," I said pulling out another tape. "Each one has a different gladers name on it."
He took one and scoffed. "How nice. The creators made us nice little playlists."
I took the tape back from him scared he'd break it on accident. "I'm not so sure it was them. There was a note saying it was all my idea. And my names on the chest."
He looked taken aback much like I was. I knew this meant I knew the creators and possibly even helped them. I didn't want to think about it anymore.
Gladers gathered around as I started calling out names. Alby seemed to cheer up a bit when I gave him his. Next was Newt, Rob, Minho, then mine. I brought mine out and sat it next to me as I kept handing out the rest of them. When the chest was empty I stood up to see everyone's reaction. Some looked annoyed, some happy, some could care less. I can't remember music. I can't remember a time I listened to it.
I walked over to Newt who handed me the tape player. I looked at the different buttons and pressed them randomly until it finally opened. I took the black tape and pressed it into the player, hearing it click softly. I closed the plastic top and took a deep breath before clicking the gray play button.
I placed it and the green box and instead of just playing from the cassette it played from all four corners of the maze filling it evenly. It wasn't loud like the maze walls opening. It was perfect.
'The Great Gig In The Sky' by Pink Floyd
The song was soft and instrumental filling me with much-needed seratonin. Piano. I recognized it. Everyone in the Glade was quiet. It would've been unnerving if it wasn't for the music. Then the lyrics started.
And I am not frightened of dying
Any time will do, I don't mindThe words were recognizable almost like I had heard it before which I'm sure I have.
"Why should I be frightened of dying..." I mumbled under my breath with the words. "There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime." Then the music picked up then slowed down. Then the beat dropped. Drums were added in along with a woman vocalizing. Sounded almost angelic and filled me with something I didn't know any human could feel.
I looked over to Newt who smiled when he saw the other Gladers start to dance around and cheer. The feeling was mutual between everyone. I grabbed Newt's hand and the two of us joined the dancing. It wasn't formal but he spun me around every now and again and we waltz around laughing like idiots. Our laughs were blended in with the commotion that had started throughout the maze. A mixture of laughs, cheers, and yells was everywhere.
"You suck at this," I said loudly so he could hear me over the voices.
"So do you slint-head."
"I know I kn-"
"ALBY!" A voice cut through the cheers forcing it to fall back into silence once more. "ALBY! SOMEONE HELP!" It was Minho. I ran over to the tape player and paused it before running over to him, Newt running after me despite his limp. I wasn't going to stop him this time.
He was running as fast as he could out of the maze. I looked behind him to see a boy I knew as Justin chasing him. Blood lust filled his eyes. And he was heading straight for Minho.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
FanfictionWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...