I Do Enjoy Hurting You

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Jorge had led us into some kind of city. We received the strangest looks from the people there. There were a lot of people. I mean... a lot. 

People on cars, on balconies, on crates and barrels. Sitting on mats in the dirty streets that reeked of rat poop. At some moments I was scared one of them might come up and mug us but Jorge seemed confident as he kept his gaze forward and back straight. 

We approached an alleyway where Jorge turned, us following him like ducks. Stupid little idiot ducks. Why can't we just find an abandoned building and live out our days, huh? That seems nice. 

"Jorge," A voice said out of the shadows before stepping out revealing a man. "My old friend." Jorge chuckled a dry, sarcastic laugh before walking up, balling up his fist, and knocking him in the head. He fell to the ground, smacking his head on the floor. 

My eyes widened as Jorge ordered us to help tie up his hands and legs so he couldn't escape. Then he blindfolded him and put a gag in his mouth so if he woke up he couldn't yell. We each grabbed a part of his limp body, which was really heavy by the way so if you ever decide to knock someone out to gain information about a secret organization of kids hiding in the mountains, I'd knock him out where you need him first. 

We pushed open and red metal door with random numbers which probably meant something before the world ended and the new one began with freaks. Taking turns helping Jorge drag his body up the tall stairs, we eventually made it to the top. 

All of us wanted to collapse with heat exhaustion. Or just exhaustion exhaustion. 

"Minho, Teresa, you go down to the first floor and collect Thomas and Brenda. Newt, Y/N, Fry with me." We nodded. Newt hugged Minho goodbye before we followed Jorge down a long hallway. This must have been a nice studio house once upon a time. Now each corner is filled with cobwebs and dirt and the smell of mildew stained every surface. 

We reached the main room with a few couches in huge chandeliers covered with white sheets. The only light we received was from the windows since the big light fixtures were rendered useless. 

Jorge heaved the body, who I promise was only knocked out well I hope, into a wooden chair and tied him to it for extra measures. Now we wait. 


Roughly thirty minutes later, Marcus woke up groaning from the soreness. Thomas had been brought back as well as Brenda but he was still knocked out. Apparently, he was drugged or something because Teresa found him unconscious on the floor. 

"I suggest that you talk..." Jorge continued his interrogation on Marcus. I sat on the couch next to Aris and Newt sat on the arm of it. "You son of a bitch!" Jorge punched him in the face earning a loud yell from Marcus. 

"OW DAMNIT!" He cried in response. I bit my cheeks to avoid laughing. "I'm sorry... you're going to have to leave my house." It was so hard not to laugh. The sarcasm he was showing had Minho written all over it. 

"Looks like you've been having fun," Newt said next to me. I was confused until I looked up and saw that Thomas was on his feet again. 

"Welcome back, shank," I said with a smile before I held out my fist for him to bump. He didn't. "You know back in the glade you would definitely give me fistbump. Where's that energy now?" Minho laughed a little bit before I turned back around to listen to Jorge again. 

Marcus' face was all bloody and torn up in different places. Talk about people looking like shit. "Where is the right arm, Marcus?"

Thomas stepped forward with his eye a shining purple. Why does everyone look like shit? Are Newt and I seriously the only hot people here because seriously in any movie ever the heroes are hot as shit. 

"Wait, this is Marcus?" He says surprised. 

Jorge shoots him a look while Marcus laughs. "The kid catches on quick." He complements like a school teacher sending home classwork. "Are you the brains of the operation?" He asks, half-joking half-serious, to Thomas. 


Jorge steps forward before I can actually say that out loud and he pulls Marcus' head back. 

"I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal." Okay, honestly besides the fact the Marcus is on the opposite team than us he's funny as hell and I almost want to stuff him in my pocket and carry him with us on our petty adventures of Thomas and friends. "You can come with us."

"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal." I furrow my eyebrows knowing this can only go one of two ways. Jorge gets mad and accidentally kills him, or wicked finds us and kills us because Marcus took too long to answer. "You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity." He chuckles like a two-year-old. 

Newt lifts up his head. "What's he talking about?"

"I'm talking about supply and demand!" Marcus responds. For a guy strapped in a chair against his will, he's very happy. "WICKED wants all the immunes they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids... they get drunk, they have a good time. And then, later, WICKED comes in... they separate the wheat from the chaff." Look I don't remember elementary school what the fuck is a chaff? Suddenly, funny pocket man can stay here. 

"I changed my mind, Hermano," Jorge said. Yeah me too, no hard feelings we can leave him here. "I do enjoy hurting you." HAHA. Sorry, not the time. 

Anyway, long story short. Jorge punches him a few good times and suddenly we got a car and a location to the right arm. 

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