"I hate you sometimes."
The group we had run into packed all of us into a few cars. They told us they knew where the right-arm, the mountain people, were. I believed them.
I was in a car with Thomas, Brenda, Lia, and Sonya. Everyone else were in separate cars. I couldn't help but be worried for Newt and Minho. Maybe I was just having attachment issues. Just being with new people especially since what we've been through... it's still weird.
Lia sat next to me, her blond hair fell over her shoulder in the ponytail. "So," She started. "I talked to that Minho dude." Lia started laughing to herself a little as she looked at her fingers who were tangled together in her lap. "He's pretty cool. Actually has a sense of humor."
The corner of my mouth twitched into a short smile. "Yeah. He's pretty great."
Thomas turned around in the front seat looking at us. "Why do you care?" He said to Lia. She shrugged.
"The people I was put in the... what do you guys call yours? 'The glade'? Anyway, where I was not many people were my friends. I was a runner and still, no one talked to me. Thought yall might be better, yeah?"
The driver raised their voice, the first time they've spoken. "Amelia! Don't talk about your friends like that."
"Did you not hear a word of what I just said?" Lia scoffed looking at them in their eyes. She opened her mouth to speak again but closed her mouth when she remembered Sonya was right next to her. She patted Sonya on the shoulder gingerly. "Not you, of course." I couldn't tell if that was genuine or not.
"We're here." The driver spoke again as they pressed on the breaks and came to a stop. The car jerked a little as it stopped. Sonya opened her door and hopped out followed by me and Lia. Brenda opened the trunk and jumped into the sand as well.
The small group met up with the others. I scanned everywhere for Newt, my heart falling when I didn't see his sandy hair. I walked over to Minho and right before I tapped his shoulder to get his attention someone came up behind me, put their hands on my shoulders, and yelled. I let out a small yelp as my heart jumped. I turned around and before I could see who it was, I slapped them.
"Shit, love." Newts accent rang out. When I finally looked to see who it was I pressed my lips in a line.
"You know," I said. "I hate you sometimes."
He walked up to me, grabbed my chin, and pressed his lips to mine. "Sure you do."
Sonya, Harriet, and Lia led us down into the main area of the camp. People were everywhere and the smell of soup and bread floated towards me. It smelled like heaven. They told us we were moving out at first light before walking us to a man named Vince.
"I thought the right arm was supposed to be an army," Minho commented. I don't know if he was expecting a response or not but he got one anyway.
"Yeah, we were."
Vince had blonde hair, kind of the shade of Newts, with a messy goatee-looking thing and a slim build. His stance was proud and I could already tell that man was going to either be the coolest person or the worst. "This is all that's left of us." He said. "Lot of good people died getting us this far." Newt and I exchanged glances. "Who are they?" He shifted from talking to Minho to talking to Harriet.
Harriet rolled her eyes before responding. "They're immunes. Caught 'em coming up the mountain."
"Did you check 'em?" He asked. I could almost pick out a bit of fear because, underneath his big bully facade, he was still human. We all were.
"I know this guy, Aris. I trust him." Harriet says pointing to the boy on my right.
Then Lia spoke up and pointed to me and Minho. "Yeah, and I've met them. I trust them, too."
"Well, I don't," Vince said. I can understand. He's paranoid. Hell, I would be too if the planet was running full of cranks. "Check 'em."
Someone started breathing heavily. I looked over Newt's shoulder, his gaze followed mine to Brenda. She was struggling for air, her lips were a nasty shade of blue and her face was pale. Then, before anyone could process what was going on, she collapsed.
Everyone rushed over to her, yelling her name trying to get her to stand up. Vince walked over, curiously no one really paid attention until he pulled her pant leg up, revealing a bite mark. Shit.
Then Vince pulled the gun. I scrambled to my feet along with Thomas, stepping in front of her screaming at him to stop. Our words got dissolved in a blur of confusion from everyone.
"This just happened okay??" Thomas panted for breath. "She's not dangerous yet." My hands were out in front of me as if I could summon a force field to protect us all.
"YOU KNEW SHE WAS A CRANK?" I yelled back at him.
"Well, you shouldn't have brought her here!!" Vince screamed over me.
Thomas backed down a bit. "We let Cranks in here now, the safe haven doesn't last a week. Ok, step back!"
Then I stepped forward. No one was killing anyone, not today. "I understand, okay? I understand. Just listen, alright, please?" I begged but my voice didn't have a sign of insecurity in it. All my fear had vanished like it had never existed. New confidence I didn't know I had. "Please, okay? Maybe you guys could help?" His hand was still extended with the metallic gun, the sun glinting off the barrel. But I could see him second-guessing himself in his eyes. "There's got to be something you can do."
"Yes, there is..." He said finally, looking between Thomas and me. But just as I thought things were going well, his gun cocked. "I can put her out of her misery."
Everyone screamed at the same time once again.
I looked over my shoulder at Brenda, laying on the floor helplessly. Correction. We're all still humans. Except some of us are cranks.
Just as I was about to lose hope, prepping my ears for the ringing sound of a pistol, a woman came and helped.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
Fiksi PenggemarWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...