"A boy cried for help. We tried to save him. We failed."
Spoke too soon. Apparently, things can get worse. The doors won't close. I want to scream. I want to curse out whoever put us here.
A ringing filled my ears. The kind that's only inside your head like it wants to block out the world because it seems rigged. Which I guess it is. We stood by the doors with torches as the night sky loomed above.
The stars are out it's supposed to be our safe time. The only time we're guaranteed safety. And now what? The grievers could come at any moment and kill us all. Slowly. Limb by limb.
Then the ringing in my ear wasn't just ringing anymore. It was giant, metallic clanking. All four doors were opening.
I was losing my shit and I didn't know why. I'm supposed to be the ok one. The one who helped everyone. Newt and I, the parents of the glade. Suddenly moths swarmed in my stomach, my heart leaped, and I had the urge to run into the maze.
Thomas gave chuck instruction, Newt sent Winston with him. Gally barked orders while Thomas calmly explained them. I felt something squeeze my hand making me flinch but then a hand touched my cheek and I knew who it was.
He pressed his forehead against mine before talking. "You're all right, ok? Let's go, love." He kissed me softly before grabbing my hand again and walking off towards council hall.
"GRIEVERS!" I jerked my attention to the West wall, at least it was west where I was standing, to see gladers running away. And that when I heard the screech of a creature I was taking my sweet old time to see.
Newt never let go of my hand as we sprinted through the glade, crashing into people as we did so. We never stopped. I stumbled over my feet right before we crashed through the doors of the hall. Chuck was there and I stooped down and gave him a hug. Newt hugged Winston. And it was like we were preparing to say our goodbyes.
We heard screams coming from the others.
"We have to help them," I said. As much as I never wanted to step out those doors again... I knew.
"Are you bloody insane?" I shrugged before taking a spear that leaned against the wall. "Coming?"
Newt followed me and a couple of others joined with us as we ran to find Thomas, Teresa, and the others. We found Thomas yelling, come on, to a griever. Mmm, yeah. Smart.
We chucked spears at the nasty creature I was having trouble looking at.
"COME ON!" I yelled at them to hurry up. At least I wasn't edging on a griever. Finally, they followed after us into the council room, Alby still limping. He shouldn't be up yet but we couldn't let him die alone in the medjack hut.
We rushed inside and barricaded the doors before we all stood in utter silence. Except my brain was screaming at me. That part wasn't quiet.
I felt like I had a new heartbeat in every vein as it pumped adrenaline throughout them.
I just wanted one night of peace. Just the one.
The banging continued on the doors and walls as the griever continued to try and get in. Then it was on the roof. The roofs were never steady. It was too quiet.
The calm before the storm.
Then, BOOM, a giant claw punched through the make-shift roof reaching in trying to grab a person. We all screamed but mine got stuck in my throat. It swung its arm viciously, collapsing the roof that knocked us all back.
My lungs were filled with sawdust and no oxygen. I was beginning to get light-headed but I couldn't pass out. Not now.
A boy cried for help. We tried to save him. We failed.
They were picking off our friends, our family, one by one.
Another arm punctured a wall this time instead of fear it was all anger. It reached for Chuck.
Chuck screamed in fear. We tried to save him. Everyone latched on to him as Alby and I smashed its arm in. He hit it with a metal rod, while I cut into the metal with the knife Minho gave me. We screamed in unison as if it was going to help anything.
Finally, the arm retracted itself and Alby let out one final scream that made a chill run down my spine.
"Thanks, you guys," Chuck said looking back at us. I gave him a smile when Thomas' face fell then his eyes widened.
"Y/N, ALBY LOOK OUT!" I turned around too late. Two mechanic arms reached in and wrapped up in it. The metal squeezed my waist roughly. I'm going to die.
I hear Newt right before Alby and I are dragged out of the room into the night. I wiggle around in the arm trying to break free but its grip keeps tightening. That's when it hit's me.
Stay still.
I let my body go limp, tricking it into thinking I was dead or unconscious and it could use its strength for other things. It worked. A smirk crept onto my lips right before I built up every bit of strength I could muster before pushing my body out. I flung to the ground, the hand letting go of me.
Dirt and grass filled my mouth as I hit the ground, skidding against my cheek. The griever never came back for me. I scrambled up but almost fell back down as I looked around. Fire, smoke... everything was gone.
Everything we all worked for was gone. Every. Last. Bit. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realize I saved myself but did nothing for Alby. I crumpled to the floor in disgust. In pain. But somewhere inside, relief.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
FanfictionWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...