"We are having lots of 'no shit' moments today."
We woke up by Thomas' yelling and shaking us up. I was too tired to fully take in what he was trying to say but it was something about light. Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing and that's when I saw what he meant. In front of us, light's shone in the mountains.
Mountain People.
Lightning cracked through the sky, piercing it like a knife and letting the thunder shake the ground. I jumped at the sound and turned to look at it. The bolts were hitting the ground in ragged streaks and the wind started picking up, swirling around the dirt.
"Come on," Thomas said patting me on the shoulder but talking to everyone. "Come on, we gotta go."
No shit.
Immediately we started sprinting towards the lights. Where the hell did this storm come from? Tell me wicked isn't behind this yet again. Wait, why are we running towards a place we don't even know is safe? Huh? Oh, that's right, I forgot. We're all idiots.
The clouds were rolling quickly like someone was behind them, shoving them at us. Thunder shook the ground beneath our feet. We each edged each other on yelling things like 'come one' or 'run' as if it would help. The lighting was quicker though, inclosing us as we kept running. My ears started ringing when I saw Minho fall behind which was highly unlike him so I looked behind me to see he was rolling in the ground.
"GUYS!" I screamed when I saw him. I halted to a stop and turned around, skidding next to him. My knees were possibly skinned up but I was too scared of losing yet another person right now
"MINHO." My voice was quiet because I couldn't hear but I could see just fine. He was smoking, no not like attractive, I mean LITERALLY SMOKING. STEAM WAS RISING FROM HIS BODY. shit shit shit. "COME ON, HELP HIM!!" I called back to the other gladers who were now rushing back to help.
Aris arrived first, pushing me out of the way softly so he could get to Minho. Then he and Newt picked him up and acted as a crutch the rest of the way to the building. It looked like an old abandoned shopping mall.
The rest of the way was filled with screams and shouts and the crackling of the lightning landed only feet away from us. We burst through the door and inside it was complete and utter darkness. We set Minho down even though we couldn't really see at all. I crouched next to him and grabbed his shirt.
"Minho??" I shook him as someone clicked on the flashlight. "Come on, Minho. Come on." This bitch better not be dead or I'll kill him. Newt stood beside me yelling at him to wake up as well. His face lulled back, Minho's not Newts, when he let out a soft groan. I heaved a sigh of relief.
Then I wanted to slap him.
"What happened?" He said looking at his hands.
"I think you got struck by lightning," Thomas says. Yeah, no shit. We are having lots of 'no shit' moments today.
He looks at the sky with a stupid smile. "Oh..." He chuckled making everyone laugh, even me even though his face looked like a great punching bag right now. We heaved him back up, all of us exchanging hugs right when Teresa screams. Well, it was her scream, and one of those monsters yells again. The rest of us screamed as well, jumping back at the sight of the crank.
It was like they were coming out of all directions at once and I wanted to curl up into a ball and die. They were everywhere.
"I see you've met our guard dogs." A voice came out of nowhere and said. We turned out light towards whoever was speaking. A girl with buzzed hair, who looked a little bit older than us, walked through the cranks with ease. Like they weren't even there. "You guys look like shit." She said as she stopped in front of us.
I looked at Newt who looked back at me with an eyebrow raised. "You do look like shit," He whispered to me making me nudge him a little.
"Bitch?" I whisper-yelled back playfully. Our petty fight was cut short.
"Come one. Follow me." And we did. Through the hall of cranks.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
FanfictionWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...