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"Even the mention of his name sent a shiver through me."

Since everyone got up early, Fry made breakfast earlier. Everyone ate their food and talked. A new awkwardness spread between me and Newt. I didn't like it. I liked it when only the two of us knew. When it was only us. 

"So," Minho said pushing food into shapes on his plate. "What do you two lovebirds plan to do today?" 

"Work," I spoke up before Newt could. "Nothings changed." Minho looked at me with an expression of boredom. 

"That's boring." He mumbled. Newt pushed him, maybe a little too hard because he fell off the bench. I snorted out a laugh at Minho scrambling to get off the dirty floor. "And that's rude, you shank." He said pushing Newt back, not as hard though. 

The days seemed to blend together. Newt and I stopped hanging out as much as we used to. We still would on occasion to stargaze but not like it was before Minho found out. I don't want to say he ruined it because he didn't. They were bound to find out eventually. Newt and I were happy I think but Newt would never tell me otherwise. I've learned this about him.

He cares for the people in the glade more than anyone. If anyone needs help, even Gally, Newt would help him. He would drop everything for them. But he also thinks that because of that he can't ask for help himself. That he needs to be this person that can do everything on his own, carry the weight of everyone on his shoulders. He thinks he needs to stay 'happy' for them to give them hope. To give them a sense that things won't be bad. And that's why he didn't want anyone to know about the attempt he had made. 

It was a strange thing to see Newt go from this smiling, goofy teen during the day time to finding out it was all an act beneath the stars. 

The talks about our dreams seemed endless every time it was brought up. We talked about hopes and goals we'll never reach. Things we want to do but never will. The talks Newt and I had made me think in new ways. Believe in things I don't know if I had before. 

Having this giant wall in my head, dangling memories I know I have in front of me was torture. The worst thing is not knowing where you came from and who you were. Feelings, however, reminded me of those memories. Any feeling I had I could connect to the past me. Except for this one when I was with Newt. It was like we'd known each other for ages and yet no time at all. The feeling of butterflies whenever I looked at him or was even near him. Even the mention of his name sent a shiver through me. 

I had become an important part of the Glade. I was invited to all the keeper meetings and they would actually listen to my input. I was important to them and I was finally someone. Not just the only girl in the glade who had a strange love for music, but someone they could look up to. 

New greenies kept coming up and I was tasked with the job of giving them the tour of the Glade and explaining it to them. Our newest addition was the cutest person ever. His name was Chuck. He was the youngest in the Glade and was absolutely terrified of it. Night terrors haunted him and I wanted to help him but had no idea how. 

We listened to his cassette at the greenie bonfire and Newt and I danced the entire time. We had Gally's drink again, as terrible as the last time. Chuck stayed around me and Newt since we were the first people to introduce him here. 

But here we were, the greenie siren filling every corner of the Glade. Everyone huddles around the box waiting for it to arrive. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Things were about to change. And definitely not for the better.

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