Twisted Neverland

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"Come on, Winston cut off his finger."

"We are on a rock, Wendy," Newt said as the two of us stood on one of the giant rocks by the lake. "but it is growing smaller. Soon the water will be over it."

I twisted my face to look confused as I looked over at the book to read what I needed to say next. "We must go," I said brightly.

"Yes," Newt responded. 

"Shall we swim or fly, Peter?" I asked holding his hand as we acted out the scene. 

"Do you think you could swim or fly as far as the island, Wendy, without my help?" I had to admit. I was tired. 

Newt looked at the book and fake groaned. 

"What is it?" asking eagerly. 

Newt turned to me forcing his smile down. "I can't help you, Wendy. Hook wounded me. I can neither fly nor swim."

"Do you mean we shall both be drowned?"

"Look at how the water is rising," Newt says dramatically. We both sit down on the rock and covered our eyes as Peter and Wendy did. I kissed him on the cheek like the book had said except it wasn't a kite. It was me. 

We laughed as we got up and walked towards the open book on the ground. I picked up the old book and closed it. Today was greenie day and in the box was this old book and a few more record players for the cassette tapes. The new greenie got thrown in the slammer for punching Alby right as he got out. He'll be fine in a few days. 

"Ok, I got left you go right," Newt instructed. We were determined to keep us a secret from the gladers as long as we could. We were ok with the nights we stole with each other staring at the stars, reading passages from Peter Pan together. I'm Wendy and he's Peter. Neverland is a lot like the glade. Only boys, 'the lost boys' and I'm a lot like Wendy. They see me as a mother to them. I can't wait till we can all get out of this place. This twisted Neverland. 

I found the missing word for Newt. Eccedentesiast. Someone who hides pain behind a smile. I wish I could change that but we had only really been together for a few months now. In secret. Not much to do. We talked about different things each night.

Some days, most days, about what we think the outside world was like. Who was out there? Will we be safe? Is it as beautiful as stories make it seem? Probably not. But a little hope never hurt anything. 

"Y/N!" I hear Jeff call as I walk out of the woods. "Wait, what are you doing in the woods?" He asks coming to a stop in front of me.

"I uh- just taking a walk." I lied.

"In the woods?"

"Why not?"

"Fair." He shrugs. That's a thing about him. If you give him a good answer he won't keep questioning. "Come on, Winston cut off his finger."

"Typical." We jog to the medjack hut as I tie my H/C hair into a messy ponytail, strands framing my face. 

I hear cries coming from inside the hut. I walk in to see blood covering Winston's hand and dripping onto the floor.

"If you don't keep pressure on this finger I'm going to cut off all your fingers," Clint says in frustration. Everyone knows he gets like that but we also know he's just playing around. I walk over to a cabinet and grab a mason jar of water and a towel. 

I walk over to the edge of Winston's bed and sit on it, unwrapping the wrap that was doing nothing to stop the bleeding finger. 

I handed the bloody bandage to Clint who grabs it in disgust. He puts it in a trash can. I dip the towel in the jar and start to clean up his hand and fingers before worrying about anything else. Once I cleaned it up I let Jeff take over. He stopped the bleeding then Clint wrapped it. I brought out three pain killers and handed them to Winston. 

"Thanks, guys." He says as he swallows them without water. We smile as he gets up like his finger isn't laying on the counter. 

"Anytime." I laugh. 

Muffled music flooded through the room. Someone started playing their cassette. It was becoming more frequent. I wasn't complaining. Hearing new music was great. Only the first cassette player connected it to the speakers, the newer ones just played from themselves, not the speakers. 

I walked out to see all the gladers crowded around the box. The song was different. There weren't really any instruments it was still cool. 

Little Dark Age by MGMT

I walked over to where the group was. They were probably introducing the new greenie to the glade. I found my way to the group where a new face stood. He had pale skin and green eyes with blonde hair that was cut strangely. I didn't care to ask. 

"Hey," I announced myself as I arrived. 

"Oh, yeah. This is Y/N." Minho introduced me as I walked over. 

"I thought you said girls don't come here."

"She's an exception." He says pulling me into a hug. "Y/N this is Aidan."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "He remembers his name already?" Minho nods his head. "Who's music are you guys playing." Minho answers. 

"Mine." He says. "Just showing the greenie what we got here." I smile. 

Aidan turns to Minho. "She's got to be dating someone right?" Minho snorts out a laughs at the question. Even though he was whispering I could hear. I looked over to Newt who shifted uncomfortably making me laugh a little. 

"Surprisingly no." His eyes narrowed at me. "Isn't that right, Y/N?" I swore his eyes flickered to Newt before landing back on me. 


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