"Come on guys can't we send someone after them?"
I sat on my hammock in the middle of the day. It was Ben's banishment day and there was no way in hell I was going to that. I could hear from a distance the screams of Ben before the maze doors slammed shut, shaking the entire Glade.
The day crawled by like a snail. Last night was awful. I've never felt so trapped so alone but I got over it. Like I always do. I was embarrassed to come back to the glade knowing they heard my screams about us all dying. Nice little message you know? Thought it might give them some encouragement.
"Hey," I heard Minho say from the door. I smiled weakly at him as he walked in and sat in his hammock next to mine. He dug something out from his pocket. "I found this yesterday... thought you might want it." He passed me something shiny. Something sharp. My knife.
"Thanks," I mumbled as I grabbed it from him and put it back in my pocket.
"Look, I'm sorry," Minho said quietly. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I- I heard your yells last night... no one else was paying attention, don't worry. But uh" He cleared his throat and the embarrassment came back. "Look, people are going to keep dying. I know that. We all do. But please, please don't give up hope. Because if you give up hope? Well, we're all screwed."
I wanted to say thank you and promise that I'd keep it together. I can do this I think. But the words wouldn't come out. They just didn't.
(One Day Later)
I seem to be the only shank who cares that it's raining. I find it's weird. I've never seen rain here and it's been two years.
The rest of us stood underneath the place where we eat our food for shelter. Newt says it's only rained a few times before I came but it's been a really long time.
Thunder rumbled in the distance and the storm clouds gave the glade an eerie look that made it feel like a horror movie. Minho and Alby had been out all day, and honestly, I was starting to get worried. I trusted them both with my life but with their own they're reckless. Something bad was happening. I knew it in my gut.
"They should be back by now," Thomas yelled through the loud rain that hit the wooden rooftops. "What happens if they don't make it."
"They're gonna make it," Newt says but I can tell even he doesn't seem to believe himself.
Thomas walked over to where the two of us stood. "What happens if they don't."
"They're gonna make it." They repeat the entire conversation again.
If my best friend wasn't missing in the maze, the rain would be calming, and I might actually be enjoying it. But instead, anxiety twitched at my fingers and it took everything to not move.
"Newt?" I asked after Thomas was out of ear shot.
"Do you really think they're going to make it? They don't have much time left..."
He looked at me and sighed. "I'm not sure. But god I hope so."
The rain finally passed. I guess it was a good thing we didn't have rain often. Some of the roofs of the buildings had caved in leaving Gally in a cursing mess. Other than a few things there wasn't any real damage.
Everyone had moved from their cover to the maze. Only a few minutes. I sat with my legs crossed in front of everyone. Waiting. Hoping. Birds chirped brightly in the back while everyone stayed quiet. Even our breaths were silent. I even held mine for as long as I could thinking maybe Minho would hurry his shuck ass up.
"Come on guys can't we send someone after them?" Thomas speaks up breaking the silence.
"That's against the rules," Gally says solemnly. "Either they make it back, or they don't."
"Can't risk losing anyone else." Newt clarifies rubbing his arm. Everyone was on edge and then my heart drops. I hear the metal clanking of the doors. They were closing.
Everyone shields their eyes from the heavy wind but I mumble to myself. "Oh no." Pointless. Everyone will die.
"There!" Thomas says and I pick my gaze back up staring into the maze. A breath of relief falls out of my mouth as I stand up quickly.
But once again my heart falls when I hear someone struggling. "Wait, no. Something wrong." I say as I squint my eyes to look into the creaking walls. Minho was carrying Alby on his back. Shit.
"COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO IT!" I yell into the maze as loud as I can. Please hear me. The walls seemed to be closing faster today. Someone was watching us. The thought reminded me. Someone save him.
We waved and cheered Minho on. For a second I wish magic was real to teleport him here. Please please, please. Then the world freezes in my mind. I see the doors closing. I feel the loss. He's not going to make it. I gave up on the silly thought. Everyone dies. I remind myself once again. I'd have to keep reminding myself forever.
I screamed for him to hurry up, leave Alby. It was sick and twisted I know. But one life is better than two.
Then something that should've never happened. Happens. I see Thomas whiz by like lightning. Into the maze. I reach out to grab him but it's too late. He squeezes himself through the walls and into the other side. Now we've lost three.
The walls close with a bang like it was laughing at us. Haha we just stole three of your gladers. I look to Newt whose eyes were glued to the wall hoping they'd open again. Please...
Tears cascade down my cheek. Everyone dies.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
FanfictionWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...