One Last Time

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"He didn't just see it. He killed it."

The next morning someone gently shook me awake. I thought for a moment I would never be able to get to sleep but eventually, the dark crevices took over my vision. 

"Y/N, wake up." It was Newt. I groaned and leaned forward stretching my back as I normally did. I

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"You're almost too late for the doors opening." He tugged on my arm pressuring me to get up. "Come on, get up. You need to start acting normal or things'll just get worse." I slid on my boots and the blue flannel Newt gave me. 

The previous day came crashing down on me again. Minho's as good as dead as well as Alby. And Thomas. Ever since he has arrived, things have been going downhill. Ben got stung in the middle of the day and now we lost the boss of the place and my best friend. 

Newt and I walked over to where the group of gladers had started to gather around the wall waiting for it to open. I yawned as we approached still tired from the past two days' events. The Gladers were sitting in little circles. 

Gladers chatted about normal things hoping it would take their minds off of it. I don't blame them even though I stood in silence with Newt's hand in mine. I knew standing here was just giving me false hope. No one survived a night in the maze. Why would three survive? They're just a bigger target. 

I can't even imagine what's happened to them during the night. I don't want to. My breath faltered as I heard the ominous sound of the gears turning. It was happening.

I saw Chuck in the front turn around quickly and Newt's hand tightened around mine. The Gladers fell silent. My eyes flickered to the wall beside the door, the one with everyone's names. I can see us now striking lines through Minho, Alby, and the newest one. Thomas. 

The doors slowly started to open like curtains on a stage. I wish they would open quicker to get it over with. You know, rip off the bandage and all that klunk. 

"Hey, guys!" Chuck called. "Get up." Everyone got to their feet, in no rush to see the inevitable truth. We watched as the doors creaked open. I knew he wouldn't but I prayed he was just around the corner waiting to pop out and say 'BOO. Bet you shuck heads thought I'd died.'

Now the doors were all the way open. No Minho. No anyone or anything. Just the hanging vines and the darkness of the maze. 

"Told you, Chuck." Newt had said. "They're not coming back." I have never seen him like hopeless before but I guess there was a lot of that going around. Minho was closer to Newt. They arrived at the same time as each other and they've been through a lot more. 

The Gladers hearts fell as they turned around to continue their work for the day. But something told me to stay and look one last time. Newt's hand fell out of mine as I stopped moving and slowly turned back around one last time. 

My eyes landed upon three figures. I knew I must be hallucinating but they were moving closer. 

"No way," I exclaimed as I turned the rest of my body around. I walked up next to Chuck who looked as well. His frown turning quite literally upside down. 

"YEAH!" He laughed in a cheer as he saw them. The boys came running back starting to cheer as well as the three made their way back to the safety of the glade. Back home. 

Minho and Thomas were holding Alby up. A thought passed through me. Is he dead? 

But I couldn't focus on that right now. I helped the boys lean Alby into Newt and Fry and I stood up and wrapped my arms around Minho's neck. 

"Thank shucking hell," I whispered. He hugged me back. I've never been this happy before. I felt another pair of arms wrap around us as well and I knew it was Newt immediately. The three of us laughed in relief thanking whoever and whatever we could. It truly was a miracle. 

"You saw a griever?" Chuck asked as the three of us stooped around Alby once again. Minho looked up, cuts scattered across his face. 

"Yeah, I saw one," Thomas answered. I forgot he was here for a moment. 

"He didn't just see it." Minho breathed out, his breath was ragged. "He killed it." I'm sure my jaw must have dropped to the depths of hell. Making it out of the maze after seeing a griever night? Plus killing it?? Sounds like a shuck fairytale to me. 

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