Puzzle Piece

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Alby gave me a tour of what they called the glade. I wasn't paying attention half the time as questions filled my head with every new piece of information. It was like cramming for a test ten minutes before. But I can't remember ever doing that... but I know I have. It was the strangest thing I have ever felt. Even though I can't remember another weird feeling.

"You alright there, greenie?" Alby asked as we sat at a wooden bench in front of the kitchen. A man named Frypan had come out to greet me. Learning people's names were hard. I couldn't even remember my own. "Greenie?"

I snapped out of my daze, letting my hand that rested on my chin fall as I sat up. "My names not greenie," I said under my breath, frustrated that everyone was calling me that. 

Alby sighed like he got this question a lot. "I know. It's just whenever anyone comes up in the box," Alby had said once a month the box comes up with supplies and a new glader. "you don't remember your name. We've just called everyone greenie until they do." 

"So I'll remember my name?" I question and Alby nodded. "When?"

"Depends." Alby shrugged his broad shoulder as he took a sip of the soup Frypan had made. "Some, only a day. Others, a week." I can't even imagine not knowing my name for a week. It was painful to think about. 

I stood up with no hesitation and started walking away. I needed to go somewhere alone, to get away. But the sickening feeling retired as my gaze traveled from the grassy plain to the towering walls. An odd sense of dizziness flooded over me making me stumble back a bit. My foot snagged on something sending me tumbling backward. 

Someone else let out a groan and I realized I tripped over someone. I scrambled up, guilt running through me. "I'm so sorry," I said to the boy that was still laying on the floor. His Asian features relaxed when he too realized it was a person. 

"You're the greenie?" The boy said as he pushed himself off the floor, his white shirt now had grass stains in three different places. 

"Sure, yeah," I said still upset with the name. 

"I'm Minho." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook it but his face fell as he looked over my shoulder. I turned around to see what he was looking at. 

Tons of people were crowding around the hut Alby said was the medjack hut. I knew something had happened but I didn't know what. 

"I've got to go," Minho said to me before walking quickly past me. Of course, I followed. Minho shoved past the crowd in front of the door and pushed the wooden door open. Different conversations were going on all around me and I couldn't pick just one to focus on. Minho turned left as soon as he got into the hut and he froze in the doorway. He seemed too busy to care that I had followed him. 

I peeked around his shoulder. A blonde-headed boy laid in a bed. Tears streamed down his face and for some reason, I don't think they were because he was hurt. Two boys scrambled around the small room with rolls of white bandages and tape, cursing each other out. 

"I'M TRYING CLINT. SLIM IT." I didn't know what was going on but I felt like I needed to be there. 

"What's happening?" I whispered to Minho. He looked weak. Upset. His eyes were glossy with tears like he was trying to hold it back. He didn't respond to me and I figured I wouldn't keep asking. 

I watched as the blonde stayed completely still on the bed as his tears left glistening trails down his skin. His squinted eyes opened as he looked towards the door frame Minho and I were standing in. His crying seemed to stop as soon as he saw the Asian boy. 

"Minho." He breathed out, a smile crawling onto his face for the first time. Minho walked over to the side of the bed.

"Hey, shank," Minho said weakly. There was more than I knew in this and I wanted to know. Clint and Jeff worked on his foot, wrapping it with the bandages. He must have broken a leg. 

The boy's eyes flickered to mine for a moment but they quickly returned and he sat up quickly. "Why is there a girl?" His shock puzzled me. Then I noticed there were no other girls... just me. "Why's the shank a girl??" He whispered to Minho still loud enough for me to hear. Minho just laughed.

The boy's brown eyes met my E/C ones and it was like puzzle pieces clicked into place.

"Y/N..." I said quietly. Minho tilted his head to the side and looked at me. "Y/N!" I said louder. "My name is Y/N!" I felt a wave of relief rush over me. The fear of never knowing my name had gone away.  

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