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My name looked like it had been there since the beginning. Like I was just another glader. I handed the knife and rock back to Minho. He took the rock but pushed the knife back to me. 

"You'll need a knife here. Keep it." I glanced at it again, the hilt was covered in rope for grip and the blade looked like a claw. 

"Thanks," I said before stuffing it in my pocket. 

Footsteps approached and Minho and I both turned our heads to whoever it was. "Hey, he's here. Figured you'd want to see him." Minho dropped the rock on the ground and stared at Alby.

"He's up? And walking? Is his leg ok? Does he have a limp?" I knew it was the Newt kid they were talking about because he was the only one in the med jack hut and the obvious concern on Minho's face. 

"Yea- Just come see." Alby walked away and Minho faltered in his steps. 

"You coming?" He said over his shoulder. 

"Sure," I said and jogged to catch up to him. Our steps were at an even pace but I could tell by Minho's clenched jaw that he was anxious. We reached the main group again, the fire still burning brightly. Much missed warmth spread over me once more. 

Minho's head looked around frantically right before his head set on one point and he froze. I stopped two and looked in the direction he was. I saw someone on crutches giving another a hug. 

Almost as though lightning had struck him he burst forward. The person giving the person I assumed to be Newt a hug turned and left as soon as he saw Minho. Minho continued to run forward before pulling Newt into a tight hug almost knocking him off his crutches. 

I walked forward to reach them as well. I could see Minho was saying something but the other noise was covering it up. I remembered a few things from the boy. His sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. 

Minho turned his gaze to me when I walked up. "This is the greenie this month." Even though Newt and I had technically met eyes he didn't know me. Must've forgotten, he seemed to be in pain before. 

"It's a girl?" The words were accented taking me off guard. "The green bean is a she-bean?" Minho snorted a laugh. 

"She-bean." He repeated still laughing. 

"What? I thought it was bloody clever." He shrugged and Minho nodded as he finished up his fit of laughter. 

The boy then walked up to me, bracing himself on the wooden crutches. "Newt." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. 

"Y/N." Then we shook hands for a moment. Our hands fell back to our sides. 

"Shall we?" He motioned to the fire and I nodded. He turned behind him and ushered Minho to hurry up as we walked over to the same log Minho and I were at before. 

The smell of the burning wood became normal and I couldn't smell it as much anymore as we sat and talked about random things. At some point, Gally came around with this giant mason jar full of orange liquid telling everyone he just made it. It was nasty but in some strange way, refreshing. 

Minho, Newt, and I took turns sipping at the liquid until Minho got up and smashed the container to the ground. 

"WoooooooOOooooO." He said and started waving around like those balloon people outside of supermarkets. Another random thing I knew but could never remember seeing. 

He turned to us and started talking in slurred words and moving strangely. I cracked up in laughter and so did Newt. 

"LOOK EVERYONE!" Minho yelled into the group. Everyone around laughed and Gally stood there with a guilty look on his face. "I'M A TRUCK." Then he ran around the fire making a horn noise and running into people, knocking them over. 

This is when Newt and I stopped him. He was practically bowling with people instead of pins. We got up at the same time. I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug from behind and pulled him away and towards Newt. Even though he was on crutches, he placed an arm around Minho and I did the same. We braced him together still laughing at the smell of his breath and how he was talking.

By the time we reached his hammock our arms were tired. I took him the rest of the way knowing Newt couldn't. I somehow heaved Minho on his hammock and the second his head hit the bundle of fabric used for a pillow he was out like a light. Alcohol. I remembered. But could, once again, never remember. 

I walked back out, pushing the curtain open and meeting Newt back out there. 

"It was nice meeting you," I said out of generosity. 

"Yeah. It was." He said with a smile. "I can stay with you while you babysit that giant child in there." 

"Yeah, sure." I said with a laugh at 'giant child'. I walked in first then him following me. I sat down in my hammock and he sat in Gally's since no one was back yet. 

The Crank Palace book it out! It was supposed to be out around Christmas time but James released it like a month early so now it's here. GET IT AND READ IT IT'S ONLY LIKE 150 PAGESSSS. I read it in a day and when I tell you I SOBBED. But that's ok 

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