"He tried to kill you, though."
Nobody was in the Medjack hut today so I went for a walk in the woods. I get days like this on occasions. That's why I like my job.
The morning air was sweet and cold. The woods at this time smelt like leaves. No shit, Sherlock. I thought to myself. Of course, it smells like leaves.
The woods were quiet except for beetle blades that scurried by disturbing the peace. I could feel their beady eyes watching me. I wanted to grab a stick and destroy them but a boy did that once... his names crossed out on the wall.
The leaves crunched under my dirty black boots as I walked. My leggings and sports bra were clean from the box but the blue flannel I was wearing was Newts. It was big on me but it smelled like him and I didn't care.
I walked up to a tree and kicked it. Don't know why but I think if I kick it, it'll prove if its sturdy even though the thick trunk speaks for itself. I bring out the knife Minho gave me and stabbed it into the bark to help me climb into the large branch.
The climb was easy and once I was up there I could just think. It was quiet here, peaceful. I swung my legs underneath me and leaned against the big trunk as I stared out into the open. But I jerked my head up when I heard shuffling.
Probably just a beetle blade- but then I heard voices. Then screaming. Then I saw them.
I saw Thomas scrambling through the bushes screaming for help. My eyes widened as I saw a boy chasing him. Ben...
He was pale and looked sickly. Damnit. He's been stung.
I pushed myself off the branch and hit the ground, tucking my body into a roll. I jumped up and ran after Ben who had his eyes set on Thomas but if I could get him to notice me I could help him.
"BEN!" I yelled after him as the three of us tore through the thick woods. "BEN BEHIND YOU," I yelled again. My voice cracked at the words. "THOMAS I'VE GOT YOU, KEEP RUNNING." He kept screaming but I knew he heard me. Ben never once turned around. He did yell for me to shut up which sent a pang through my heart. I've known Ben for a long time and now I was chasing him down.
The woods started to become lighter as we got closer to the glade. To people. My breath was becoming ragged but I didn't dare slow down. Instead, I sped up. I got close enough to reach my hand out to grab the back of Ben's shirt. The force of the two of us made us topple over each other.
I saw Thomas look behind him. "THOMAS GO!" I yelled again. He was hesitant but he kept running. I kept my grip on Ben's shirt but it did close to nothing. The shirt ripped and he scrambled away from me again leaving me with a bruised cheek and a shard of fabric.
My heart raced as I yelled again. "THOMAS BEHIND YOU!" Thomas looked behind him and shrieked, continuing to scream for anyone to hear him. I got to my legs again and ran after the pair.
We were now in the Glade. Some of the fear was diminished but I still had to help. I brought the knife out again.
Don't kill
I closed one eye and flung the knife like a frisbee as his ankle leaving a clean slice there, enough to make him trip. I saw Thomas make it to a group of Gladers so Ben's blood-lust turned to me. My legs turned to jelly as he roared and ran after me tackling me to the ground screaming, "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU AND THOMAS!"
I screamed as he pushed my head towards the ground. "HEY!" A voice said from behind me. Tiny dots were clouding up my vision making it hard to see. I was dizzy and felt like I could pass out. But I knew I couldn't. For them.
A hard knock came from above me and the heavy weight on top of me was gone. I let out a shaky breath still screaming not sure what else to do.
"Hold him down!" Newt commanded and others continued to repeat it. I tossed and turned at the sight of anyone thinking it's Ben again.
People tried to crowd around me but I had curled up into a ball and started shaking and screaming.
"EVERYONE BACK UP." Newt yelled as loud as he could. I've never heard him made before.
"Yo, what the hell happened?"
"He just attacked me! She tried to help." I heard Thomas say. "She- she did help." He corrected himself. I better have helped for going through that shit. The other conversations melted away as two arms wrapped around me slowly. I flinched at the touch making them flinch as well.
"Darling, are you ok?" Newt whispered to me. I nodded quickly as I heard the words I didn't want to hear.
"He's been stung."
I wanted to scream. To run away. Can't. Can't. Nope. No no no.
"Y/N, love," Newt whispered again. "Come on." I felt him lift me up, wrapping an arm around me to help me walk even though I didn't need it. I kept my head down, ashamed of the tears. I felt eyes burn into my back and it made me want to explode.
We walked back into the woods but a different path than before. I calmed down when I knew we were going. Our spot. The pond and the rocks.
He set me down against one of the rocks. It was quiet. Like this morning. After quiet is disaster.
"Y/N, can you talk to me?" I shook my head profusely.
"They're going to kill Ben, Newt."
"He tried to kill you, though." I nodded my head this time. I knew he did but he was stung it wasn't right to just kill him. But I knew this was the trauma talking. It was the rules of the Glade. He was going to get banished for the good of the glade.
My breaths quickened as rage filled me. Why was I angry? There's no reason for you to be angry. You did this to yourself, you could've stayed in the tree. No, then Thomas could've died. Who cares? He's rude. No, he's not, he's scared. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL.
My brain was fighting with itself. A raging war against myself. And no one could hear it.
"WE'RE FIGHTING FOR NOTHING! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO KEEP DYING. DYING DYING DYING. IT'S AN ENDLESS CYCLE." I screamed slamming my fists on the ground before running them through my tangled hair.
"NO. ALBY'S GOING TO DIE. CHUCKS, THOMAS, FRY. YOU. ME. WE ALL DIE. WE'RE ALL JUST PLAYING THEIR FUCKING GAME. CHICKEN IN THE COUP. DOGS ON A LEASH. MONKEYS IN A CAGE. IT'S POINTLESS. POINTLESS. POINTLESS." Newt doesn't speak but I see it in his eyes. He's scared. The world seemed to stop spinning to hear the pain seep out.
We're all just pointless.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
FanfictionWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...