"Shit, we're totally screwed."
Bertha, the car... please I know I wish I was kidding. They named it Bertha. Besides the point, we were heading to the mountains in Ber- no I'm just gonna say car. We were headed to the mountains in the car. Minho and Aris sat next to me, Newt was shotgun, and Thomas, Teresa, Fry, and Brenda were stuffed in the way back.
Jorge slowed the car down when we came across a couple of old cars blocking our entrance. Damnit. Everyone got out and slowly approached the cars.
"Well, I guess we're on foot," Jorge said. I wasn't looking forward to walking again. My feet were still sore from walking like 6 bazillion miles of desert.
The canyon was really pretty despite the rusted cars. Birds flew ahead and the giant rock wall loomed above us giving me flashbacks of the glade. We started looking in cars and trunks trying to see why so many were here all at once. Some of us hoped we'd find more batteries or something but we weren't that lucky.
Then, zing. The sound of a bullet whooshed past my ear and suddenly more rained down on us. We all ducked and took cover from whoever was shooting at us. We should've known it was a trap. It was so obviously a setup.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Newt scrambled over next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and covering me as we kept our heads low. The last gunshot echoed through the mountain range, bounding off the clay and rocks.
"Hey, is everyone ok out there??" Thomas yelled from another car.
"We're fine!" Teresa called out.
"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt screamed. Minho shrugged next to me. What if it's Wicked? We can't be sent back... I mean if we were to be sent back it would be awful. The tests... my- Dr. Paige.
We breathed heavily waiting for the new shots that never came. Then they did again when I saw Thomas' head peek over the car in front of us.
"Everybody!" Jorge yelled from the same car Thomas was behind. "Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Oh god. Obscene words (that I won't write in this journal right now in case it falls in the hands of the wrong people) filled my head.
Before whatever Jorge had planned to do actually happened, I heard a gun cock in the distance. I heard a female voice say something but I couldn't make out what. I did hear the word 'NOW'. But that could be a lot of things. "I said drop it!" I heard it that time, clear as day. Minho gave me and Newt a 'what the shuck is going on' look. We both shrugged. "On your feet, let's go."
Shit, we're totally screwed. "Let's go! Move!" I saw Thomas and Jorge stand up and after that, everyone followed their lead for some stupid reason. "Back up! You three over here, now." She gestured at us. Three girls were standing there, guns raised directly at us. One had blonde hair and pale skin, an odd comparison to the guy standing right beside me might I add, and the other had golden skin hidden by dust and grimes. The third one had dirty blonde hair pulled neatly into a ponytail. "Don't be stupid, move." Yeah, yeah. Move, we get it, god damn. I heard you the first couple of gunshots. If I didn't know any better I would have said that. I'd probably be dead if I did.
"Slowly," The first blonde girl said.
The second blonde girl looked taken aback for a second before lowering her gun. "Aris??" She said. All of us slowly turned around to look at him. If this was a cartoon a fake crowd laughing would definitely have been edited over this moment. The girl took down the mask she was wearing.
"Oh my god, Lia?" He returned the shock, stepping forward. The girl named Lia stepped forward and flung her arms around him.
"My god. What the hell are you doing here?" She asked in the hug. The other two stayed in shock before he greeted the other blonde girl as Sonya and the first one we heard Harriet.
Sonya smiled as she hugged him. "Aris you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass." I wanted to laugh. No no no no. Don't laugh.
Newt and Minho gave each other the funniest look and I just couldn't anymore so I bent my head forward and let out a snicker. Minho nudged me a little bit to get to shut up.
"I'm sorry," I whispered at him, still laughing to myself. "I just-" My laughs cut off the rest of the sentence.
"Uh," Minho said looking away from me. "What's happening?"
Aris looked back happily. I knew that look. He'd found his family again. "We were in the maze together." WOAH WHAT? How much did I miss when I was in that white room. I feel left out, damn.
Harriet put two fingers against her lips and blew a whistle into the canyon. "We're clear guys! Come on out." Who she was talking to, I have no idea. But then a bunch of snipers appeared overtop of the hills.
The three girls walked us through the tunnel we were originally supposed to go through.
"Back it up, Joe!" Lia yelled as she walked in the front. The man presumably named Joe repeated it back and a truck at the end of the tunnel started to back up.
Once we reached the other side of the short tunnel, Harriet walked up to someone. "We're taking them to base." Oh, thank god they have a base. I was so relieved I could throw myself off the mountain.
Aris asked them a few questions while the girl named Lia fell behind and started walking next to me. She was a little bit taller but not by much. She had greenish-blue eyes that had the same mischievous look in them as Minho had.
She stuck out her hand as we walked. "I'm Amelia. But most call me Lia." I shook her hand and smiled.
"Nice," She said after drawing her hand back. "Sorry for trying to blow your brains out. Didn't realize yall were friends of Aris'."
I shrugged. "Well, I don't know Aris that well but he's cool I guess." I lied. I still got a gut-wrenching feeling about him, like Teresa.
"Figures. Well, still you guess seem pretty chill. So, who is everyone?" She asked gesturing to the people around me.
I liked talking about them so I started. "That's Teresa, she gives me the worst vibes. Don't tell her I said that though." I laughed and she scrunched up her knows after looking back at her.
"She looks secretive."
"That's one word for it," I admitted. "That's Fry. He's the best cook literally ever. Thomas is over there he likes to be acting leader but the tattoos on our neck say that it's Minho," Who I pointed to next. "He was our runner back in the glade and he's my best friend. You'd like him I think. Then there's Newt." I nudged him on the shoulder but he didn't mind. "He's my..." I struggled to find a word that wasn't boyfriend. I mean he was that but that word seemed weird to say at the moment so I just snatched his hand, intertwined our fingers, and raised them to show Lia.
"Ahhh," She said nodding. "That makes so much sense." She laughed. "Well, imma go see what this Minho dudes all about, see ya round dude."
"Yeah," I said with a smile.

The Angel ~ Newt X Reader
FanfictionWhen she goes through the swipe and forgets everything about her friends. The closest being Minho and Newt, she gets sent to the glade. On accident. It was purely a mistake. A fluke in the trials but once in the glade there no getting out, so they l...