Wallet lol

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Cam&Brunei are in a bush . And there's Singa's wallet infront of them.

Myanmar walks by being ' innocent ' as he probably be lol.

Cam: He didn't see it!

Brunei: draw his attention to pick it up! Make a wallet sound!

Cam: how...

Brunei: just do it.

Cam: *inhales*


Myan: *looks around confused*

Brunei: that's not the sound of a wallet!

Cam: you do it then if you're so-

Brunei: *making coin noises with his teeth*

Myan: *looks down* *sees a wallet* ohohoho~ *picks it up* *skips away*

Cam: actually that was pretty good bro.

Brunei: thanks! UwU


Singa: WHERE THE FRICK IS MY WALLET!!!???!!!!!! 


Thai: *my poor ears* T^T

Indo: Malay!!! You're bf needs therapy....

Singa: WHAT?!

What did I do....


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