its here

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Me: so, todays the day... where we puasa!

Malay: you can say that again

Indo: phil was so shoked that we woke up at 5:00 ( not sure if it is accurate but... ya? )

Malay: apparently she wanted to drink water huh?

Brunei: you forgot about me again??

Me: no it was me, sorry Brunei

Brunei: it's fine I'm used to it

Me: well... Wait, why did I make this chapter again?

Malay: I don't know

Me: *sighs* I am very forgetful...

Indo: so you want to end it like that?

Me: no, you three got are ending it... also a little notice, I'm in the middle of laziness and how in the world did I made this chapter I have no idea....
Anyways! That's all! Now you three!




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