What the hay are men doing in there-

110 7 6

In a public bathroom. (Also known as the Mall's bathroom)

Cam: *in one of the stalls* *turns on video recorder or something* Have you guys ever hide in bathroom, like I mean-

Bathroom Door opens

U.S.A: *is on recording for Tik Tok (it's not banned right?)* Hey, so....people say I sing the Britney Spears song so- *clears throat* My loneliness, is killing me~

Cam: *from the stall* AND I~!!!

U.S.A: I must confessed, I still believe~

Armenia: *from another stall* STILL BELIEVE!


U.S.A: When I'm not with you I lose my mind~

Cam: GIVE ME A SIGN!!!!!

Cam&Armenia&U.S.A: HIT ME BABY~!

Colombia: ONE MORE TIME!!!! *leaves*

Cam: *get out of stall* *stops recording* What are you guys doing in here??


Armenia: *comes out* I was using the bathroom until you *points at Ame* starts singing and you did *points at Cam* so I join along.

U.S.A: oof. Oh well, this makes a perfect Tik Tok!

XDDD I'm sorry!!! I just had to!!! XDD

Oh, and you guys are wondering what happen to Singa? Welp;

Thai: *on the phone* Badum-dum badum-dum pa-pa-pa dum, HEY!!!!

Singa: *with a bat* Hey~

Thai: *reliases* *looks behind him* WHAT!!??

K that's all from me!!!


(Hmmm... monke)

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