Can I not name this chapter?

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Me: hey guys! Today I'll be answering some questions and the Aseans will have to do some dares!
But let's answer the questions first since it is easier! Okey, now!

Me: hey guys! Today I'll be answering some questions and the Aseans will have to do some dares!But let's answer the questions first since it is easier! Okey, now!

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1. I don't know also, my brain is weird and I'm an idiot... Or maybe it's because I read to much asean hetalia...

2. I ship Vietnam with Thailand  UwU

Okey... the dare Imma stop you there, I am not writing that kind of stuff because, I don't wanna do it and I have no idea how. But mostly I don't wanna do it. Your asking the wrong person to do this kind of stuff. Go ask a 18 year old or older than that cause I'm just 12.

So ya, I'm sorry okey?

Now, the next one... Imma have to break into the Aseans house hueheueheueheueueh

At the lovely Aseans house...

Aseans: *doing randomness cause their asean*


Me: watup  guys?!

Singa: you are going to pay for that!

Me: dude chill, I'll do it later but now... where's papa asean?

Indo: why?

Me: adalah!

Brunei: he is always in his room, never came out at all!

Me: well that, is gonna change! *claps hand*

Mr. Asean: ( tf?) Ehhhhhh?!!

Me: halo, there Mr asean!

Mr. Asean: who are you? How did I get here? *looks at the broken wall* who did that? Can someone please explain!!??

Viet: whoa papa, that is how you get wrinkles so calm down

Me: wow, I'm answering a lot of questions today am I? Okey, first of all, hi! I'm Wizard_idiot! Just call me author, I like it.

Mr Asean: why would I call you author?

Me: because I am the point to your very existence

Myan: deep

Me: also, I got a dare for you! *points at asean*

Mr. Asean: eh? Why?

Me: its because the readers what you guys to do silly random stuff! Although, I am looking forward for a singing dare! * claps hand*


Me: perfecto!

( Imma call her Ms. Asean) Ms. Asean: eehhhh???? Why did you do that?!!!

Me: oh wow, that is a motherly voice!!!!

Cam: Asian mom, daahhh

Me: I know, I have one, now, *grabs asean's wrist* come on!!!

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