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As we are here, in the natural habitat of the ASEAN family. Wait... only Laos and Thai are there. The others probably went to the mall or doing important business or so I don't know.

Laos: *comes into the living room* Thai, can you coo- *sees a dead body on the floor* What the-

Thai: heyo, what's going on?

Laos: *buries her face in her hands* Thaaaii... there's a fricking dead body in our house!

Thai: *looks at the body* Oooo.... hey, how did he get here?

Laos: Thaaaaiii, what did you do?

Thai: Me? I- I didn't do this

Laos: Explain what happen Thai.

Thai: I never seen him before in my life.

Laos: why did you kill this guy, Thai!? *points at the body*

Thai: I do not kill people, that is- that is my least favourite thing to do.

Laos: tell me Thai, *puts hands on hips* exactly what you were doing before I came into the house.

Thai: well uh... okey!


Thai: *is in his bedroom playing the phone*

Random dude: Hey- uhh Who's house is this, I think I'm in the wrong hous-

Thai: *takes out rusty knife*

Random dude: whoa there! I don't want any harm!  The door was unlock so I just assumed...

Thai: *proceeds to stab him 37 times in the chest*

(End of flashbacckkkk)

Laos: *facepalm* Thaaaai... that kills people!

Thai: oh, Well I- I didn't

Laos: Thaaaai...

Thai: I didn't know that.

Laos: How could not know that?

Thai: *shrugs* Yeah I'm in the wrong ear, I suck.

Laos: *looks at the body* what happen to his hands?

Thai: what's that?

Laos: his hands, why are they missing?

Thai: well I uhhh- Well uhhh... I kinda cooked them up and ate them.

Laos: *is as dissapointed as ever* Thaaailand...

Thai: well I was uhh... hungry amd well... you know? When you carve hands thats-

Laos: why on earth would you do that!?

Thai: I was hungry for hands! Gimme a break!

Laos: Thaaaii!!!!

Thai: my stomach was making the rumblies.

Laos: THAI!

Thai: that only hands will satisfy.

Laos: What is wrong with you Thai!?

Thai: well uhhh, I kill people and I eat hands, that's- that's two things.

Laos: Oh goooodddd, what are we suppose to do with the dang body hmmm?

Thai: we could um.... throw it in the shed?

Laos: there is like alot of things in the shed amd you want to throw in a dead body!?

Thai: I mean yeah! We take out some things, put the dead body inside, and cover it up with old roofs and chicken wire! And other stuff.

Laos: *sighs* let's just, bury the dead bosy somewhere and NOT in the back yard cause Viet planted veggies. So....

Thai: good point.

And so, the two idiots bury the body somewhere not near their house. The payed their respects to the person even though they didn't know him, and left. Laos lecturing Thai on the way back home.

Look at this. I anotjer random chapter I made to end the curse (not)

Anyways! That's all for today!
(I keep forgeting to do this my god....)

Youguys can give dares or question to the ASEAN 10 and Mr ASEAN cause why not? Amd yeah!

See you guys!


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