Fort! I mean fork

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Thai, Myan and Cam: *on the couch chilling*

Thai: *constantly changing the channels* *looks at Myan* *gets an idea* hey Myan?

Myan: hmm?

Thai: I bet my secret Tomyum recipe that I can outsmart you.

Cam: I smell challenge!

Myan: hmmm... You're Tomyum recipe is good... deal!

Thai: alright! Say Fort

Myan: Fort

Thai: say it 3 times

Myan: fort, fort, fort

Thai: spell it two times

Myan: f-o-r-t, f-o-r-t

Thai: say it two more times

Myan: Fort, fort

Thai: okey, what do you eat soup with?

Myan: A FORK! Ahahaha!!! I did it!!!

Thai: *raises an eyebrow*  really? Cause I eat soup with a spoon

Myan: *realises*

Cam: *trying hard not to laugh* *puts an arm around Myan's shoulders* you see, if you eat soup with a fork, the liquid will-

Myan: *pushes Cam away* I GET IT!!!


I forgot where I got this. I think it was from a video but I can't remember what it was.

I tried this with my brothers, and boi, XD

You can try it out! Go outsmart your friends or family!

That's all!

Addios!!!! ^w^

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