Ships sailing away (I guess)

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Me: Alright Phil! Your dare is my command

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Me: Alright Phil! Your dare is my command

You: wait... are you talking about a country?

Me: what? No, Is just nicknames for my friends because of our personality


Me: lets not waste time! To the ASEANS house!!!!


Aseans: *doing their things*

Brunei: hey guys, I get the feeling something bad is going to happen

Myan: you think?


Singa: I had enough of this!

Me: whoops, sorry guys I had a little accident with my magic

Singa: A LITTLE????

Me: geez, pipe down I'll fix it * takes out wand* *points at wall* reparo *wall magically fix itself toghther*

Indo: how?-

Me: * puts wand back in my pocket* a little problem is fix, now onto the dare I was given

Thai: cool what dare?

Me: first Imma summons my friend first *claps hand*


Phil(my friend): whoa, where am I?

Me: well, this is the Aseans house!

Phil(my friend): COOL!!!

Me: say hai everyone!

Aseans: hai?

Me: moody but still, now for the dare

Phil(my friend): oh, you got it?

Me: dah.... now~ for all my fellow ships to sail!
Though I'm not good at writing stories like this...

Phil(my friend): mal, who wrote a comic about this kind of stuff

Me: not A , probably 4 or 7 books

Phil(my friend): *facepalm*

Me: now! What ship do I do first?

Phil(my friend): your doing singamalay first aren't you?

Me: how do you read my mind!?

Phil(my friend): I can predict your whole comic book

Me: ya,ya so... LET'S DO IT!!!!! *claps hand*


Phil: umm... where did Malay go?

Brunei: where did Singa go?

Laos: * le gasp* they have disappeared!

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