Are you smart?

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Me: hi there everyone! Right now I'm bored and feeling kinda... bored...
Laos: hi author!
Me: hi la- wait a minute...
Laos: what?
Me: I just got an idea.... hehehehe and your joining! *points at laos*
Laos: wha?
Me: now lets go to the living room! Cause we're in the kitchen!
Laos: bu-


Me: alright Laos! Remember the story?
Laos: yup! Really complicated and clever...
Me: now go forth child!
Laos: I'm older than you...
Me: I know, now go! While I get a cup of milo...
Laos: =_=?
Well, let's do this! *rubs hand evily*

Laos: OI!!!! SINGAPORE!!!
Singa: *reading harry potter ^_^* what?
Laos: you're smart right?
Singa: what?
Laos: I said, you're smart right?
Singa: maybe... why?
Laos: well, I got some questions for you and I wanna see if you can answer them!
Cam: *le gasp* Laos! You dare question the smartest person in Southeast asia?
Indo: you mean the smallest?
Singa: HEY!!!
Laos: yes Cam I dare! And I want everyone to listen!
Thai: suits me
Viet: i wanna see how it goes~
Maphilindo: same here!
Myan&Brunei: we wanna see to!
Me: *comes back* whoa, what's with the crowd?
Phil: Laos challenge Singa!
Me: *pretends to be surprised* really? Well I wanna see it to!
Laos: alright Singa! You ready?
Singa: hold my harry potter book *gives it to me*
Me: okey!
Laos: ready?
Singa: go with it!

Laos: there are 50 bricks in a plane. If I drop one, how many are there in the plane left?
Singa: easy, 49 bricks
Laos: alright, what's the three steps to put an elephant in the fridge?
Thai: *le gasp* YOU PUT AN ELE-
Malay: Thai, it's just a question
Phil: these question are hard...
Singa: open the fridge, put the elephant in the fridge, close the fridge
Brunei: whoa
Cam: smart...
Laos: what are the four steps to put a deer into the fridge?
Indo: first an elephant, now a deer?
Singa: open the fridge, take out the elephant, put the deer in the fridge, close the fridge
Myan: wow... how the hay?
Laos: moving on! It was the lion's birthday, every animal came to the party except one, why?
Thai: who would not want to come to a lion's party?
Singa: the deer, because it's in the fridge
Viet: makes sense...
Laos: how did an old lady cross a swamp filled with crocodiles?
Singa: she cross the swamp because the crocodiles are at my party ÙwÚ
Maphilindo: *wheezing*
Brunei: *faceplam*
ThaiVietMyanCam: what?
Laos: alright last one! In the end the old lady died, why?
Singa: wait what?
Laos: I said, the old lady died, why?
Singa: *thinking hard* um.... she.. erm... drowned?
Laos: WRONG!!!
All except Laos&singa: * LE GASP!*
Singa: then?
Laos: the brick from the plane drop onto the old lady's head!
Singa: ...
Me: *wheezing*  *faints*
Laos: NO!!!!! THE AUTHOR!!!!!
Phil: is she dead?
Thai: *pokes me with a random stick* hello? Is her soul in there?
Viet: Thai, what the hay?
Malay: does anyone know CPR?
Phil: since we're countries and know nothing so, no
Me: *disappears*
Indo: where did she go?


What up guys! I'm not dead because of laughing so hard 😁
Try the question if you want! I tried to all my friends, even the smartest person in class! Although, most of them failed... 😓

Ya... I'm bored that's why I did this hahaha...

And like the knock,knock jokes,  I found this in a book

Yes I find everything in books😌

Anyways! Until next time!


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