I think its called genderswap....

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Male!Malay: * turns on camera*  hello? Is it on?? Oh okey... assalamualaikum everyone!!! Welcome to this obviously random video I'm about to make!!!

Oh, you don't know Me?? Well, I am the handsome, the charming, the-

Male!Phil:  *appears behind mal's shoulders* Mal, anong ginawaga mo???? ( Mal, what are you doing??)

Male!Malay: Phil!!! Why did you intrupped me on my video???

Male!Phil: oh, you're making a video??? Gimme that *snatches camera from Mal*

Male!Malay: OI!!! Where do you think you're going???

And so... Phil takes the camera away from Malay.. where is he going??? Oh, he's going to Indo, well,  a few feet away from indo cause he wants to try something...

( I found the pick up line in a video okey... it's not mine...)

Male!Phil: *stares at the camera* *shows Fem!Indo looking at her phone in the bcakground* *smiles to himself*

If you looked at me, *looked at Indo* your mine

Awkward silence...

Fem!Indo: *looks at Phil* * looks at her phone again*

Male!Phil: *happy Filipino noises*

Male!Malay: *swoopes I  and snatches the camera away from Phil* YEETTTT!!!!!

Male!Phil: HEYYY!!!!

And Malay runs away to the back and kinda messy garden at the back of the house

Male!Malay: *looks at the camera* okey, I got away from Phil, for now at least...

Fem!Cam: Mal, why do you have a camera??

Male!Malay: well, it's to record what we do around here! It's pretty random anyways!

Fem!Cam: ya, random things...  like THIS!!!! *kicks his balls*

Male!Malay: ya Allah... *drops the camera* the pain!!!! Why cam??!!! Aku tak buat ape pun!!!!
( I didn't do anything!!!)

Fem!Cam: so that I can steal THIS!!! *takes the camera* BYE BYE!!!!! *yeets away*

Now Cam is the host cause the main had an 'accident' back to story

Fem!Cam: *passes by Singa on her phone* YO, SINGA!!! MAL SEND HIS LOVE TO YOU!!!!! * laughs like a maniac*

Fem!Singa: hah??  *confused Singaporean noises*

Fem!Myan: Cam, what are you doing??? Where did you get that camera??

Fem! Cam: from Mal, he gave it to me

Fem!Myan: that's a weird thing for him to do,

Fem!Cam: I know, now move on!! I gotta catch my beautiful face in spotlight!!

Male!Viet: *comes in * I hate to break it to you cam, but your not beautiful, your ugly af

Fem!Cam: *extremely offended* *dramatic gasp* how dare YOU!!!!

Male!Viet: you can't deny that you are *walk away*

Fem!Thai: VIETNAM~~~~!!!!!

Male!Viet: oh crap...  * runs away*

Fem!Thai: WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!!!~~~ *chases after Viet*

Fem!Myan: that's cute

Male!Malay: Imma take that! *snatches camera from Cam*

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