The Car (remember? course you don't)

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Frick logic!

Papa ASEAN: *preparing to cook Dinner for the Asean 10* *cause he is taking a break from work* *reliases that there's not much stuff*

Brunei: *walks into tje kitchen with boba*

Papa ASEAN: Ah! Brunei! Just in time!

Brunei: hmmm? *slurps on boba*

Papa ASEAN: I need you to go and buy... *starts writing down everthing they don't have in a paper* these stuff at the grocery store.

Brunei: *puts down his boba on the table* *takes paper* but... pa... I haven't renewed my driver's license yet.

Papa ASEAN: Take someone with you.

Brunei: okey... *leaves the kitchen*

Papa ASEAN: *steals Brunei's boba cause he left it*


Cam: *playing fortnight*

Brunei: *kicks the door open*

Singa: *from below* I'M NOT PAYING FOR THAT!!!!

Cam: *takes out his headphones* what's up Bro?

Brunei: get in the car Cam, we're going SHOPPING!!!!

Cam: why?

Brunei: to buy groceries! What else?

Cam: ohhh... okey, get out of my room for a sec, I need to change.

Brunei: right! *goes downstairs*

A few minutes later.....

Brunei: Alright bro, I'm ready to go. *holds the handle of the door* don't forget your charger

Cam: *coming downstairs* always got my charger bro- WAIT! I forgot my jacket! *goes back upstairs to get his jacket*

Brunei: *sighs*

Cam: *goes back downstairs* Alright I'm ready- WAIT! *feels his pockets* I actually did forget my charger! *goes back upstairs* be right back!

Brunei: *patiently waits*

Cam: *comes downstairs* alright bro, I'm ready!

Brunei: you sure you got everything?

Cam: yeah bro, lets go!

In the car UwU

Cam: *driving the car*

Brunei: *looking out of the window*

Cam: *realises he forgot something* *smacks his head* Ah! DANG IT!

Brunei: *sighs impatiently* Arrgghhh

Cam: Bro, I gotta turn around

Brunei: what did you forget now?

Cam: I forgot the keys to the car


Brunei: *looks at the wheel* *no keys* What??!!!  Bro, where were the keys when you started the car? Ya allah....

Cam: *confused cambodian noises*

Brunei: Eh bro, you have no idea how amazing this is! I am PERPLEXED!

Cam: *still confused*

Brunei: what happen!? Ya allah.... HOW??!!??

Cam: I- I have no idea

Brunei: I was not prepared for this!

Cam: ( how am I doing this??!!! )

Brunei: Ya allah... *covers his face with his hands* what is going on??!!! Someone help us!!!!!!

Cam: don't worry bro, as long as we don't- DEER!!!!

Brunei: *looks up* huh? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Cam: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *turns the car and crashes into the tree*

The deer: ( Thank god... ) *runs away*

Thai: *watching T.V*

Phone: *calling noises*

Thai: *picks up* heelllloooooo~

Myan: THAI! you would not believe this! I saw a car crash!!! It was awesome!!!!

Thai: what?

Myan: oh you should have seen it! And the weird part is... that it looks like our car!

Thai: huh???

Phil: hey guys... where's our car?

Malay: someone must have took it out for a drive, why?

Phil: *shows car keys*

Malay: The milo???

Thai: ... Myan? Help that person IMMEDIATELY!

Myan: okey, okey... eeeessshhhh. It's not like its our- OH MY GOD! BRUNEI! CAM! ARE YOU GUYS OKEY??!!!     *ends call*

Thai: frick.....

Welp, Poor them. That's why, Papa ASEAN never lets them drive the car again. Oof.

Okey that's all!!


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