Y'all want MAPHILINDO?

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Me: out of boredom, these stuff came into my head... so to make things interesting... I decided to make the maphilindo trio into boys for this chapter only...
Cause why not?
Okey, let's start!


In a random mall...

Indo: so, we're supposed to buy supplies for the house?

Phil: Yes, and even Singa gave us a list *shows list*

Malay: they even told us to not take the trolley

Indo: I wonder why...

Maphilindo: *looks at a trolley In front of them* *looks at each other* *smiles mischievously*


Malay: *at the edge of the trolley with one hand in the air* WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Phil: *inside the trolley with his hand in the air* THIS IS SOOO MUCH FUUUUNN!!!!!

Indo: *pushing the trolley with high speed* YEEEAAAHHH!!!!

security guard: *in a distance* their having fun

Everyone in the mall: *scared af*


Malay: Indo! Aku ada teka teki, nak dengar? ( indo! I have a riddle, wanna hear?)

Indo: okey!

Malay: Apa ada di tengah-tengah hutan? ( what is in the middle of the forest?)

Indo: Harimau? (Tiger?)

Malay: salah (wrong)

Indo: pokok? ( tree?)

Malay: salah

Indo: pastu apa? ( then what?)

Malay: di tengah-tengah hutan ada huruf 'T' !

Indo: ....

Phil: *in a distance using Google translater* WHEEZEEE!!!!


Malay: hey Phil, you wanna hear a story?

Phil: sure!

Malay: okey, I have four short stories, you get that?

Phil: yup!

Malay: okey,  the first story, there was a couple, the woman was cooking, after that she serve it to her husband

Phil: okey

Malay: the husband ate the food, and spit it out while saying, " why is your cooking so bad?!!" Then, the woman smack him

Phil: ouch...

Malay: and said, " who's cooking? Me or You?!?!" The second story, the couple again, but this time, they're in the car the man was driving very fast, when they got home the woman said " why did you drive so fast!!?!!" The man smack her

Phil: ouch... talk about couple problems...

Malay: and said " who's driving? Me or You?!?!" Okey?

Phil: right...

Malay: okey, now the fourth story...

Phil: maghintay mal, where's the third story?  (Wait mal,)

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