Ah yes, PUNS

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Me: I'm back, with the probably the most punniest chapter in all of wattpad (lol)

Read with you're own risk though and... I added random dad jokes ahead XD

Like I said, read at you're own risk~

If you die, Laos will let you rot in the closet....

Anyways! Lets BEGIN!!!!!


The MaPhilIndo are chilling on the sofa...

Phil: hey Mal, I'm HUNGARY

Malay: why don't you CZECH the fridge?

Indo: * confused Indon noises*

Phil: Imma go RUSSIAN into the kitchen * goes to the kitchen*

Malay: tell me if theres any TURKEY

Indo: * the pressures of puns is upon him*

Phil: * from the kitchen* there is but theres to much GREECE on it

Malay: * dramatically puts her hand on her forehead* theres NORWAY we can eat it!

Indo: * has fainted due to puns*


Cam: BROOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Cam: I MEET A GIRL!!!!!!!!

Brunei: cool, where and how did it happen?

Cam: well, she's from a nation

Brunei: what nation?

Cam: my imagiNATION

Brunei: harsh... Well, I also meet a girl

Cam: good for you bro! Where and when did it happen?

Brunei: I meet her in a sea!

Cam: were you diving when you meet her?

Brunei: no

Cam: if not, what sea? I bet there's alot of seas

Brunei: In my fantaSEA !

Cam&Brunei: * laughs in single bois*


Viet: In conclusion, we're all just human BEANS

Laos: but together, we will RICE!

Thai: LETTUCE pray



Indo: hey Singa, how do you throw a party in space?

Singa: that is impossible, but how?

Indo: you planet

Singa: *facepalm*


Indo: Thai, I told mal not to stand close to the trees at the park

Thai: so??

Indo: I don't know what it is, but they seem shady!

Thai: *slaps his face*

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