I'm runing my childhood as usual.

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Ehem, ehem, Once upon a FRICKING TIME!!!!

Viet: author what the hay?

Hush now Viet, I'm making fairy tale magic!!!


Once a upon a time, there was a kingdom. I mean duhhhh.... Anyways!!  There was a king and queen. Soo yeah.

One day in the middle of winter....

Brunei: but we don't have winter.

Ohh hush, I'm trying to tell the story!!

Anyways, one day in the middle of winter, the queen was sewing a little blankie for their child when she accidently prick her finger.

"Well, shoot." She said to herself. Tiny drops of blood were dripping down her finger. Then she had a thought, If only my child had lips as red as blood, her hair as dark as charcoal and skin as white as snow. She sighed at the thought and went to wash her hands.

Singa: I'm impressed with your writing.

Malay: too bad the child isn't like that. Author get your eyes checked.

HELLO! I'm trying my best to remember the story! Geezzz.... Anyways!

The queen died, while giving birth to the child. Now this is the biggest sacrifice of them all, remeber that readers. And it looks like... oh! The queen got what she wanted! Hooray I guess.

And a few years later... guess what? The king got MARRIED again. Siriusly, one women isn't enough ah?

Phil: author....

Hush now Phil. Anyways, the king died. Poor him. Anyways! The queen took rule over the kingdom. Only a few people know that the queen had a magic mirror that probably tells her the truth or something. And many know she was proud of herself.

Everyday, she'll go to the mirror and say:

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of them all?"

And the mirror's reply was always:

"You, you god dang idiot. You always ask me that, its getting to me."


"Well it is true, don't blame me!"

*sighs* Anyways! As the years went by, the princess grew more and more and MORE beautiful than her stepmother. So yeah... thats where my paragraph ends...

So One Simple Day...

Malay: *burst into the secret room where potions and the mirror are or stuff*  Sup Peeps!!!!

Indo (the mirror): seriously? Everytime.

Malay: *walks up to Indomirror* aww c'mon, It's a good entrance.

Indo: It's getting old

Malay: It's a Classic

Indo: whatever.

Malay: anyways!!! Mirror, mirror on the god dang wall,

I have more milo right?

Indo: seriously? *sighs* yes my weirda&% queen, you do.

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