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inga: *who broke the fourth wall with a hammer and is now reading the dare*  the Fu-

Brunei: hey Singa- *sees he broke the fourth wall* what in the world did you do?

Singa: I broke the fourth wall, what do you think?

Brunei: is there a reason or-?

Singa: theres a very good reason.

Cam: *enters scene* aiye~ whats up- *sees the fourth wall broken* Oh F-

Brunei: *kicks Cam*

Cam: oof!

Brunei: no swearing.

Cam: ouch... *reads Singa's dare* hey! It says someone has to record you kissing Hong Kon-

Brunei: ooh~ a jealous Malaysia is gonna enter the chat~

Singa: Hah?

Cam: wait a minute... isn't Hong Kong a boy?


Me: surprise peeps!!!!

Cam: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! *jumps on Brunei*

Brunei: CAM YOUR HEAV- *falls down* AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Singa: *takes out gun* don't make me shot and I won't hesitate.

Me: Boi- *helps Cam up* and dude, You're heavier than Brunei you know that right?
*helps Brunei up*

Brunei: I hate you Cam...

Cam: Thanks I hate myself too

Me: BOI-

Singa: (now am I being ignored.. I think its better if I just go away...)  *walks away slowly*


Singa: (sh!t)

Me: why was I here again? How ya! I change Hong Kong's gender into a girl and you better be careful Singa

Singa: what why?

Me: I made Taiwan a overprotective boyfriend.

Singa: wait-  *reliases if Taiwan saw him kissing HK*  Sh-

Me: good luck you need it! Don't break your legs!!! Or neck~ 


Cam: Singa's in trouble

Brunei: *pats Singa's back* sorry bro. But you gotta do this dare

Cam: ( ohohohoho~ I can finally blackmail Singa ☺☺)

Brunei: right we must get going!

Cam: *takes out phone* LETS DO THIS!!!

Singa: WAIT- *gets dragged by Cam by this jacket collar* AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

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