pool noddles

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[SingaMalay warning I'm sorry XD]

Malay: *chilling on the sofa watching tik tok* *sees an interesting tik tok* *gets an idea*  PHIILLLL!!!! INNDDDDDOOOOOOO!!!!!

Phil: watsup?

Malay: I got a crazy prank!!!!

Indo: interesting... LET'S DO IT!!!!

Phil: you nuts!? Let's go do ot right now!!!!


In the kitchen at the fridge

Malay: okey Phil, got the pool noodle?

Phil: *holding pool noodles* yup!

Malay: Indo, got the duct tape?

Indo: *holding duct tape* Yeah!!!!!!

Malay: okey! Now... for the prank *rubbing hands evily* ehehehehe....


Malay: *is in the kitchen for a victim* *pretending to wash the dishes*

Singa: *walks into the kitchen*

Malay: hey uhhh... Singa?

Singa: *about to reach for the mug* hmmm?

Malay: can you get me my milo in the fridge?

Singa: If I do... will you kiss me?

Malay: Hah! Tengoklah Singapura....

Singa: *smiling intensifies* *goes to the fridge* *opens the fridge* *gets slapped by a pool noodle that was duct tape at the other side door with whipping cream*


Singa: *still gets the milo* *walks up to Malay laughing on the floor*  first of all, rude. Second of all, why were scrubbing the plate continuously with a dry sponge.

Malay: well... It's part though *laughs*

Singa: Third of all,  you owe me that kiss.

Malay: *stops laughing*


K thats all lol.


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