Vanoss vs. Basically vs. Delirious

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-My Heroic Banana Bus Academia
By MIRLVerse

-team6 of class 1A
By rex103rex

Vanoss was on his way to the bathroom when happened to encounter Endeavor. Although it was a simple interaction, Endeavor took notice of Vanoss. Knowing he'll be an issue if he ends up fighting Todoroki.

Vanoss had his hands at his crotch frantically searching for the bathroom. He asked someone to which they pointed it out. Rushing to the bathroom to do his business.

Basically and Delirious we're in the cafeteria area and could see it was packed. Navigating through the crowd, trying to get their food. Teddy, on Delirious shoulder, would sneakily grab other people's food. Then he would share with Delirious and eat it as both had a devilish smile.

They later met with the rest of the crew and began to chat. Saying what they saw of the three's actions. They were causing such loudness and laughter that some people got in their face about it.

Not being fazed by their warnings, Wildcat then threw a piece of meat at Terroriser. Terroriser then threw his own but missed and ended up hitting Basically. Moo was laughing at this until he got hit by Delirious.

This went into a cycle as everyone watches. The inevitable was about to happen with their shenanigans escalating.

Wildcat: "You wanna go you bitch!" He said in playful anger.

Terroriser: "Yeah let's go then!"

Delirious: "FOOD FIGHT!!"

Delirious yelled as he slammed down some food. The whole squad turned at the people that were now their targets. Some of the students and citizens were pissed while others went along.

The entire cafeteria erupted into chaos. Tables were flipped to be used as shields. People using their quirks to throw food. The squad was attacking other people and getting blasted by food.

Everyone didn't notice that two people were entering the chaos. Nogla threw a banana midair not caring who it hits. The banana was in perfect trajectory at Aizawa but was caught by Present Mic.

Present Mic: "Woah there." He said snatching the banana.

Everyone halted and looked at the man before them. An aura of command emitted from Aizawa.

Aizawa: "None of you are leaving until this mess is cleaned up. Got it!" He ordered with terrifying intent.

Everyone: "Y-Yes!"

Not wanted to feel Aizawa's wrath, everyone quickly got to cleaning. With help of their quirks, the entire area was thoroughly cleaned in a matter of seconds. As if nothing was there to clean in the first place.

The squad got out of there but was going to be met with swift punishment. Aizawa was disappointed and tired of the reckless situation.


After that whole debacle, there was the setup of the recreational game during the break. The boys went down and participated in the activities. The only ones not there were Vanoss, Basically, and Delirious.

The tournament was the last event a one on one fight. The last one would be the winner of the Sports Festival.

The three were going to be special because in the first round. It was a three-way fight and only one would be able to head to the next place.

Then there was the surprise announcement of Ojiro withdrawing himself from the tournament. Along with another student, they were going to be replaced by Tetsutetsu and Shiokazi.

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