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Vanoss and the gang are heading towards shore. Midoriya's finger and thumb are hurting. Asui dragging Mineta by the collar. The villains are stuck together by Mineta's balls.

Vanoss: "Damn, we got them." Water dripping from his head.

Midoriya: "We were lucky that was all of them..." He began to mutter.

Vanoss: "Yo, Midoriya you ok." Looking at him concerned

Asui: "Midoriya, stop that. It's scary." Making him stop muttering.

Asui: "Rather than reflecting back, shouldn't you think about what do next."

Vanoss: "Yeah, as I always say 'Keep calm and keep er' goin'."

Midoriya: "Y-You're right." Wincing at the pain.

He then went on saying that getting help should be a top priority. Avoid the central plaza if possible. Mr. Aizawa and half the squad has drawn a number of villains to the plaza. Sounds of fighting and dust are seen from a distance. Midoriya thought their we're too many. Even with squad and Aizawa suppressing them. They might overexert themselves.

Mineta: "Wait, Midoriya, don't tell me... Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!" Calling him out.

Vanoss: "I'm willing to do something stupid."

Midoriya: "No, we shouldn't do anything get in his way. But if we can find an opening and lessen Mr. Aizawa's load, even a little..."

Todoroki was busily freezing nearly all the villains. He's been trying to get some information out of them.

Nogla was with Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari in the mountain zone. Nogla and the two girls were the only ones fighting.

Kaminari: "Scary! Seriously, did you see that just now? What the heck is up with these guys? What's going on?!" He screamed as he was retreating to the group.

Nogla: "Dude why theses btches sponging my bullets!" Putting his gun away. Standing to the right of Yaoyorozu.

Jiro: "Worry about that later." She said holding a weapon.

Jiro: "Right now, we need to figure out how we'll get away from all these people."

Kaminari: "Then give me a weapon, too!"

Jiro: "You're the electric guy, aren't you? Hurry up and take care of them!"

Kaminari then went on a quick rant about his quirk. That when they were paired up in the combat training. He can only electrify himself and discharge electricity but can't control it. How he can only rely on the other three.

Jiro: "You're a guy, aren't you. Stop whining."

A villain swung at Kaminari prompting him to run. Jiro just kicked him back and use him as a human stun gun. When he touched the villain, he activated his quirk. Electrocuting him.

Kaminari: "Oh, it's working." He said with sudden confidence.

Kaminari: "I'm strong. You three can count on me!" Giving a thumbs up.

Nogla was fighting the other villains with any weapon he spawned. This gave the villains a hard time getting close. Jiro saw an attack coming. A villain was about to throw a ball of dirt at them. She put her earphone jack into her boot. Sendings waves of ear-piercing noises. Destroying the ball.

The villain that threw the ball got caught onto Kaminari. Another one popped up and was holding two blades. Yaoyorozu threw a net at him. Capturing and him falling into the electricity.

Nogla knocked down a few but was being overwhelmed. He backed up to the group.

Jiro used her quirk to subdue the villains. One snuck and struck from above. Slashing at Jiro with two blades. She moved out the way and Nogla jumped kicked him.

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