I have an idea!

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Be advised this will contain a lot of dialogue. For me, it's hard to keep characters talking to each other.

Also, I have a problem explaining something in-depth but please enjoy.


It's towards the end of the day. Almost every student left school. Nezu was taking the boys to a meeting room where all the teachers are waiting.

The boys looked around as they walked through the halls. It wasn't what they were expecting.

Vanoss: "This looks nice."

Terroriser: "Yeah this is quite impressive."

Nezu: "UA is one of the best schools in the country."

Moo: "No kidding imagine how much money was to build this thing."

Basically: "Nezu can I ask a question?"

Nezu: "Yes Mr. Basically."

Basically: "How is the school system. Like the difference from other schools in other countries."

Wildcat: "Most of us are used to American schools. Except for Vanoss, Terroriser, and Nogla."

Nezu: "Oh so some of you aren't born in the same country." He thought that was intriguing.

Nezu: "Interesting, well the classes are separated by letter, number, and department."

Then told them the whole system, their classes, grade, departments, and teachers.

Nezu: "We'll be meeting with the other teachings."

Wildcat: "Damn this place might not be so bad after all."

Nogla: "Ah man why does school gonna be so hard." He said with a dull expression.

Nezu just smirked as he could tell just by looking at them. They may be different but their bond is strong. They may get furious at the moment at each other but they'll always have each other back.


Nezu: "Here we are. Please come in." He entered and left the door open for them to come through.

Entering they saw that they would have to stand next to the wall on the right. The teachers were sitting around a table.

From left to right sat Cementoss, Present Mic, a Bandaged up Aizawa, All-Might, Nezu, Midnight, Snipe, Ectoplasm, and Vlad King.

Nogla: "Ooooo, so these are the teachers uh." He said with dumb excitement.

Nogla was first to go then the rest. Basically, Moo, Terroriser, Wildcat, Delirious, and then Vanoss. Some stood with hands in their pockets or their arms crossed.

Nezu: "These are the teachers of UA. Each of them teaches a different curriculum." He nods towards Cementoss.

Cementoss: "My name is Cementoss."

"Present Mic."

"As you boys already know, Aizawa." His voice is kinda muffled.

"All-Might," he said in his hero form.

"Midnight." The boys looked at her with a 'why do you look like that' look.



"Vlad King."

Nezu: "Now how about you guys. We know that names must be an alias. That's ok if you're not comfortable revealing your real names." He said to reassure them.

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