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Vanoss and Delirious encountered someone the was going to sprout trouble. When the rest heard of it, the squad gear up and launched to U.S.J. The villains, heroes, and students are stunned as to what just occurred. The bus crashes through and out comes the squad. Vanoss is the first to speak.

Vanoss: "WE'RE HERE BTCHES!" He exclaimed loudly.

Everyone: 'What?' They thought.

Midoriya: 'Are those heroes.' Confused.

Midoriya: 'Wait... It's the Banana Bus Squad.' He said realizing where he's seen them.

Aizawa: "Are you villains or heroes?" Looking back at the boys.

Wildcat: "Were here to help." Cracking his knuckles.

Terroriser: "Alright boys."

Vanoss, Delirious, and Nogla went to go check on the students. While Terroriser, Wildcat, Basically, and Moo fought the villains down below.

Basically: "Mr. Aizawa, don't mind us. My names Basically, that's Terroriser, Wildcat, and Moo. Now bring it on!" He did while holding his sword.

Aizawa: "I'm may not know who you are but thank you." He was thinking that he may need help this time.

The Boys and Aizawa got into stances and were ready to fight.

Shigaraki: "Such insolence, waste of time." He said irritated while scratching his neck.

Terroriser: "That's one ugly mofo."

Moo: "What's with those hands all over his body?" He questioned.

The rest were going up the stairs, fast. Reaching the students in no time. The students are still surprised that they appeared.

Vanoss: "Come on we have to get you guys out if here." Motioning the students towards the exit.

Everyone started to run but Midoriya stayed to look at Aizawa and half the squad.

Midoriya: 'Wow... Mr. Aizawa's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh? At least theirs is backup.' He said still looking at them.

Lida: "This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and take shelter!" Making Midoriya following him.

Nogla: "Hurry up you btches."

Delirious: "Damn, why is it so far away. I wanna hurry so I can take down some villain scum." He complained. It kinda worried the students.

They were halfway when they were stopped by Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: "I won't let you." Using his warp quirk to appear bigger.

Aizawa: 'Shoot! I just blink once and the guy who looks like the most trouble got away..." Taking down a villain and is stopped by many more.

Terroriser: "Don't worry. Our boys up are there." He said reassuringly.

The Terroriser and squad were now surrounded by villains. While the rest have to deal with the students.

Vanoss: 'Damn it!' He thought.

Kurogiri: "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains." The squad was thinking of their name.

Kurogiri: "It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. high school." Thirteen held her left outwards.

Kurogiri: "in order to have All-Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." Now he students know they're here to kill All-Might.

Kurogiri: "I believe All-Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?"

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