Vanoss vs. Todoroki

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Vanoss came out victorious from defeating his friends. Both Basically and Delirious recovered rapidly as they saw that they were off the stage. Vanoss giving his praise while the people cheered for him.

His actions and his friends were watched by the students and pro heroes. Seeing what they could do gave everyone a surprise and an entertaining fight. Now their even more students to fight.

Vanoss walked off to the stage along with his friends. They chattered amongst themselves about the fight and how it was fun.

The next fight would Ashido vs. Aoyama which ended with Mina uppercutting Aoyama in the chin. Moving her to the next round.

Momo was ready but speculated too much. Tokoyama used Dark Shadow to push back her out of bounds. Leaving her with much disappointment.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu basically had the same quirks. They fought with passion as they both knocked each other out. Ending in a draw.

Uraraka vs. Bakugo was something hard to watch. Due to Bakugo relentless attacks as she did her best to defend herself. But she fell due to fatigue from the attacks and Bakugo declared the winner.

With the first round over, they'll be a quick break in between. Everyone who won is recovering except Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. They had to did an arm-wrestling match to see who will move into the next round. The winner was Kirishima.

Vanoss was now going up into the second round. It was fun when it was just his friends. That way he could do anything to them which would give him content. With the students, he wasn't sure plus he had to go solo on this one. We all know what happens to his mental state when he plays by himself.

Delirious and Basically we're heading to where class A was sitting. They were disappointed that they didn't win but would cheer on for Vanoss.

Basically: "Damn I really thought I had that one. Vanoss brain just works differently."

Delirious: "But I gave him a good whack to the head and I still lost."

Coming up to where the students were sitting, they sat next to Kaminari's row. The students were surprised for a moment and complimented them on their fight.

Kaminari: "Woah you guys were so cool."

Tsu: "It seems that you had different fighting styles."

Basically: "Yeah we try to have fun with it but sometimes we make each other tick."

Delirious: "Can't wait to see Vanoss fight."

Iida: "By the way where is he?" He questioned.

Basically: "He said he was getting popcorn."

Vanoss just then came in with a bag of popcorn and sunglasses on. Sitting down next to his friends and asking what going on.

- Time Skip -

The second started with a spectacular Todoroki vs. Midoriya fight. Todoroki using his left side, unlocking the fireside of his quirk. It was a hard-fought battle between the two. Todoroki was declared the winner.

Vanoss's fight was coming up as the stage was being fixed from that destructive fight. Some of the students went to go see Midoriya while Vanoss got into the waiting room.


Now the fight between Vanoss and Shiozaki begins. Shiozaki is the one to strike first. Digging her vines into the ground and rushes towards the owl. Vanoss waits until they get close then launches himself into the air.

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