Basically I Help

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A normal night of wander turned into chaos when the villains attacked. Nomus ranging in different sizes and abilities destroyed part of a city but was fortunately stopped by the infamous Banana Bus Squad. A bunch of weird, chaotic, and sometimes idiotic heroes who have no business being in this world.

They took down the Nomus in deadly fashion with Delirious having fought the hero killer, Stain. They made a mark on that night whether they know or not.

The incident was widespread as that next day. Newspapers, the media, and the internet were on fire with Stain and the BBS squad getting the most attention. Stain's word or speech spread across the internet as it left an impression on what he was fighting for. But that was overshadowed when Delirious decided to put his two brain cells together.

Delirious: "You wanna know why I laugh! Because I'm the only person that will look death in the FACE and say 'Are We Having Fun?!'."

Those words along with Stain's speech was what got a discussion going. First was how Stain's ideology would influence those who would have the same idea. As for Delirious, this fueled more popularity for the BBS. People were seeing why he was called Delirious. Because only he could go face to face with a killer while laughing.



The three students were at Hosu hospital being treated for their wounds. A few cuts and bruises were present like Iida. Thanks to Delirious, Iida's arm could have suffered long-term injury if Delirious didn't protect him. One of many thanks that deep down the students were thankful that Delirious was there.

Speaking of Delirious, after that whole event, he met up with the others who all laughed at what had occurred. Delirious wished he had been there when his friends talked about them defeating the Nomus. He complained that he could have killed the hero killer but was caught up in the moment and there were people around.

As for now, the Banana Bus Squad we're on their way past the hospital when they met an officer. The cop told them that they have to see the chief of police.

Wildcat: "Uh oh. I hope it isn't what I think it is."

Basically: "Yup we're going to jail guys. That's it! We tried to become heroes but we failed."

Vanoss: "You know there's always a second option, right."

Terroriser: "Now let's hold on a minute. The guy said we need to talk to the chief of police. We did use our so-called 'quirks' without a proper license and a few other things but this could work out."

Moo: "How do you figure, Brian?"

Terroriser: "I don't know but we'll see once we get in there. So don't worry about jail... Yet?"

He whispered yet last part as he researched those who use their quirks illegally. A lot of things could play out but if the worst is to come. It's like what Vanoss said there is always a second option.

They followed the cop until they reached a room. He told them to wait in there for the Chief to meet. He was with the students at this moment and would be meeting them shortly.

Vanoss: "So... Since it's just us for now. How have you guys been?"

Moo: "Doing good except I do wanna go home and see my cats. I miss them."

Wildcat: "Brock, you and those cats. I just wanna go back and be lazy. That fight really tired me out."

Basically: "That's a sign, guys. We're getting old. Next thing you know we're going to have grey hair and our bones crack with every step."

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