Throw Me

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Marking the end of the sports festival, with the winner being Vanoss. Much to everyone's surprise except those that already knew the outcome.

The people that came in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are to receive their medals by All-Might himself. He came from the top of the stadium as Midnight and All-Might's speech intertwine.

He then went up and gave their medals to each place. First was Tokoyami which he gave a hug and few words. Todoroki came in second place then there was Vanoss.

All-Might went up the owl man to give him his first-place medal.

All-Might: "Young Vanoss. You're the biggest surprise of the festival."

Vanoss: "Well thank you."

Vanoss lowered his head to received his medal. All-Might then gave him a thumbs up.

After that, he gave a few words to those that didn't make it but we're able to get as far as they could.

All-Might: "So, I just have one more thing to say! Everyone, please say it with me!" He said.

All-Might: "Ready go--"

All-Might/Everyone/Vanoss: "Thanks for your hard work!/ Plus Ultra!!"

Vanoss raised his fist in the air as did Basically and Delirious but we're struck when they heard All-Might.

Basically: "What?"

The crowd's cheers went silent for a moment then booed All-Might.


Vanoss, Basically, and Delirious exited out of the arena and wondered where the rest were.

Basically: "Where are they?"

Vanoss: "I don't know but this medal is something. Honestly, I thought would get something else but this fine." He said inspecting the medal.

Then the rest of the squad got back together and they saw who won.

Moo: "What? Vanoss won."

Wildcat: "Not surprising I knew it would at least be one of you idiots."

Delirious: "Where did you guys go?"

Moo: "Ok now that's a bit of a story."

Terroriser: "No kidding my back hurts just thinking about it." He said marching his back backward.

They proceeded to leave the area as they told them what happened.



After Nogla's little run-in with Mt. Lady, they browsed the little venues of food setup. Since they never tried any Japanese except the restaurant they went to.

It wasn't until Nogla caught something in his nose. He started to sniff the air like a dog and slowly walked away from the group.

Nogla: "Is that what I think it is." He said following the scent.

While he sniffing, the rest were enjoying themselves by eating the food and looking at the interesting nick-knacks. Terroriser scanned a piece of food and instantly had an idea.

Terroriser: "Wasabi? *Evil laughter* Can't want to give this to Nogla."

He grabbed a sample then tried to find Nogla.

Terroriser: "Where are you at Nogla?" He said confused.

He then found Wildcat and Moo but no Nogla.

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