A Piggy's Day Out (Side Story)

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(This is going to be more of a side story.)

There are days when one wants to enjoy themselves. Wanting to get away from the chaotic household or base where shouting, raging, and screaming are a daily occurrence. Wildcat was out and about on the streets of Musutafu. He went half expected due to his involvement in some events that had occurred.

He didn't completely stand out as many other people had exaggerated appearances. Wildcat passed by a guy who had a paper sheet for a head. Of course, he heard whispers or conversations people who stared at and recognized him.

"Aaaah this is nice." Wildcat breathed out since it seemed like the perfect day. "No Evan and him blowing something up every five seconds. No Nogla saying some dumb sh*t or doing dumb sh*t. Just me and my thoughts." He put his hands behind his head and softened. Wildcat was walking by when he stood in front of an arcade place.

"Ah sweet. Been a while since I've seen these kinds of places before." Wildcat went inside and found a whole variety of arcade machines. This triggered some nostalgia which got him excited.

"I hope I have the right coins," Wildcat questioned unsure if he has the right currency.

He was unaware of a presence that was watching him from above. On top of the edge of a building, stood a man covered in black clothing. Half of his face was covered by a mask with a bandana over his head. Two katanas on his back with a strap brandishing a few shurikens.

The mysterious person watched as Wildcat entered the arcade place. "So your part of the so-called BBS crew?" He suspected.

POV - Mysterious Person

I have been following him for some time now. Ever since their arrival and little stunts, I wanna know how strong are they. The Banana Bus Squad intrigues me but the name is horrendous. Who calls themselves that, it's ridiculous. Banana and Bus... It's absurd.

I happen to see the infamous Wildcat out on the street. From what I heard and seen he has a strength base quirk. Whether he's stronger and faster than All-Might is doubtful. But that's what I wanna know. Could they be formidable people or just another phony hero team?

I plan to follow Mr. Wildcat and attack him. For now, I have to wait and watch. It might be a while before he comes out of that place.


20 minutes later

Wildcat was concentrated on this one arcade machine, wasting his coins. Veins were bulging from his face as his anger rose. He kept dying with an annoying announcer saying he died.

[Ha, ha, ha, ha. You died!] This was Wildcat's 30th attempt but he had failed. Fate was decided for this outdated machine. Wildcat's eye twitched before his body grew in size. He bulked in muscle as his eyes turned white. Wildcat finally snapped like a raging bull.

"You FUCKIN BITCH!!!" He screamed as he slammed his fists onto the machine. The poor machine was crushed like a pop can. It was no more with only a few sparks spewing out. Wildcat reverted to his normal self but instantly realized what he did.

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed. Wildcat frantically looked around to if anyone saw him. Luckily those inside the arcade were zoned in. "Ok we're just gonna leave this here and--" Wildcat hightailed out of there as to not get caught.

He made it outside and began to speed walk back to base. As he held on to his helmet like it was going to fly off, a particular person began to follow. The ninja hopped through rooftops until he watched Wildcat go into the forest.

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