Jerry Can for the Win

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The squad just teleported to a world where people have abilities called quirks. Right when they were eating a situation occurred and now they are fighting criminals in broad daylight.

Vanoss is fighting criminal 1. Both seem to be on equal footing. Vanoss using his nunchucks while imitating Bruce Lee noises.

Criminal 1: "Just die already!" Getting angry as Vanoss dodged his strikes.

Vanoss: "Look at these moves." Dodging and hitting him.

The criminal was getting irritated until he finally got a hit. Slashing Vanoss's chest. Backing up a bit, the criminal was about to go in for the kill. But Vanoss threw a small bomb at him. Blowing up in his face he was disorientated and was now even more furious. The criminal was ready to strike. Vanoss immediately got out his nunchucks but they were different this time. They made a sound then yellow lightsabers emitted from them.

I think some of you know what this is from.

This surprised him as Vanoss was doing a move with them. Now it was a standoff. Vanoss with determination in his eyes was ready. The criminal struck but Vanoss spun his nunchucks, cutting off his blades.

Criminal 1: "Aaaah... What we're those." Looking at his blades.

Vanoss didn't answer and instead took his chance. He jumped and spin kicked his head, rendering him unconscious.

Vanoss: "Sorry bout that." He put his lightsaber nunchucks away.

Delirious: "You're about to go down villain." Holding his baseball bat in front of him.

Criminal 2: "From what I'm looking at you look like a villain. And what's with the mask. Are you ugly under it?" He said chuckling.

Delirious: "I'll have you know that I'll never take this mask off. Now it's time to get serious lirious." He said then charging at him.

The criminal thought 'foul' then looked into his eyes and activating his quirk. Delirious now stood there, motionless. The criminal was now smiling but curiosity got him. That was his mistake.

Criminal 2: "Take off your mask." He said intrigued.

Delirious's face twitches at the command. The criminal says it again but to no avail. He starts to worry as nobody, under his mind control, has ignored his command. Delirious started to giggle then into a full maniacal laugh. The criminal was started to lose his mind after hearing Delirious's laugh. He started to laugh like a maniac too. It overwhelmed him as he saw visions of Delirious mask and echoing voices. He passed out due to mental exhaustion.

Delirious: "What! That was it." He said with annoyance.

Basically is in a sword fight with criminal 3. You can hear the slashes and metal scrapes of their swords.

Criminal 3: "You can't beat me. My quirk allows me to a master swordsman." He declared

Basically: "I was just testing you. I might have to get serious." He said with a smirk.

He started to spawn in all types of swords. Some were big, small, elemental, strong, and magical. He immediately started to attack with a flurry of sword hits. Each sword had a mind of its own. Floating in the air near Basically and slashing wildly at the criminal. He was also yelling his own sword noise. The criminal was getting tired as he was dodging and redirecting the swords, but there were too many. He ending up getting cut. Suddenly all the swords despawned as the criminal was now tired and cut.

Criminal 3: "Who are you guys?" He said out of breath.

Basically: "Were the fouls that beat you."

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