A New World

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In the early morning, somewhere in an open field surrounded by forest. A spark of light flickers in the middle. The light intensifies in brightness and sparks then turns into a dark, blue portal. 5 people are shot out of the portal. First is Terroriser, Vanoss, Wildcat, Moo, and H2ODelirious.

Terroriser: "We made it boys."

Vanoss: "Alright!" Looks around them.

Vanoss: "Um, where are we?"

Wildcat: "Yeah, this doesn't look good."

Delirious: "Where's teddy bear?" It's right next to him and is relieved. Chibi Teddy and Delirious then hug.

Moo: "Guys, where's Nogla and Basically?" Everyone looks around.

Terroriser: "Don't worry they're probably not too far." He uses his cyborg mind to find their location.

Meanwhile on a hill overlooking a city. A couple of people shoot out of a portal. Basically landed on his butt. Nogla landed face first.

Basically: "Ow!"

Nogla: "Ow, son of..." Spitting out dirt.

Basically: "Nogla, you alright?"

Nogla: "Yeah man."

Taking a look around and noticing the city in front of them. They thought now they have to find the other guys. Just then a crackle in Nogla's headset and Basically's earpiece is heard. It's Terroriser and he asks where are they. When Terroriser gets their location, he tells the rest and heads towards their direction. Basically and Nogla gaze at the city before them. They can't wait for the group to get here.

Vanoss: "Hey guys." The first one to see them.

Basically: "Hey, we landed on this hill and saw this city."

Wildcat: "Alright, since we're all here. Terroriser tells us where we are."

Terroriser: "Ok so."

He then gave them the rundown of what world there were in. Explaining the whole people with abilities called 'quirks'. 80% of the population had quirks while the other 20% are quirkless. How there is a system where people can become professional heroes. Also, the top pro heroes and several villains.

Terroriser: "Also we're in Japan and that city over there is called Musutafu." He tries to pronounce the name.

Vanoss: "Quirks uh."

Moo: "Why Japan of all places?"

Terroriser: "I don't know but we better get used to it."

Vanoss: "So what do we do now?"

Wildcat: "We can just go to that city there." Points to the city.

Basically: "I never been to Japan."

Moo: "Yeah, none of us have."

Delirious: "Can we become superheroes and fight villains?" Getting excited over the idea.

Terroriser: "I don't know, we would have to get into a school to become one." Then everyone thought of going back to school.

Wildcat: "Yeah, screw that!"

Vanoss: "Well come on boys! I'm tired of waiting here."

Agreeing with Vanoss they were on the way down the hill. When something strange happened. The My Hero Academia logo appeared in the sky for a few seconds, then disappeared.

Terroriser: "Um... Did anyone else see that?" Confusion on all their faces.

Moo: "Yeah that was weird."

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