Banana Bus

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The boys are now back at base. More specifically Vanoss's treehouse. The lasts ones their we're Terroriser and Nogla.

Terroriser: "I got him." Carrying then putting him down.

Nogla: "Sorry guys." Rubbing the back of his neck.

Vanoss: "We don't have time for that. Their evil afoot." He said quickly

Vanoss and Delirious then proceeded to tell them their encounter. All of them raised eyebrows, this is very bad.

Wildcat: "So wait. Where are they heading now?"

Vanoss: "USJ." Confusion on their faces.

Terroriser: "It's UA's off-campus facility. Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

Basically: "But why go there?"

Terroriser: "Hold on." He starts to access the UA servers.

Terroriser: "Apparently the class 1A is holding a lesson there. The only teachers present there are Thirteen, Aizawa, and All-Might."

Delirious: "Well what are doing standing around for."

Wildcat: "Yeah everyone there is in danger."

Moo: "I think if we don't get there. The students would be caught in the crossfire."

Basically: "Let's go!" Standing up.

Wildcat: "Hey Nogla, did you hear us."

Nogla: "..."

Nogla: "..."

Nogla: "Hm"

Terroriser: "Ok that's all we needed."

Everyone gather the gear and checked themselves. Then Wildcat remembered something.

Wildcat: "Wait how are we going to get there."

Vanoss: "I have an idea, follow."

Everyone followed Vanoss to his Bug porch outside. He pulled out something that could spawn on the bus. The Banana Bus in its full glory.

Vanoss: "We are going to launch ourselves. Remember back in the day."

Wildcat: "Yeah and Delirious created that horrible jiggle."

Moo: "I have a bad feeling about this." Looking at the bus.

Vanoss: "Alright everyone let's getter goin."

Everyone reluctantly got onto the bus. Strapping in because this bus is going on the road. It was going to launch towards the facility.

Vanoss: "Ready. Set. Launch." They all screamed and hollered.


The class of 1A just arrived in front of the facility.

Thirteen: "Everyone, I have been waiting for you." Everyone gasped in excitement.

Midoriya: "It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!" Holding his fingers on his mouth.

Uraraka: "Oh, I love Thirteen!"

Thirteen: "Let's go inside without delay. Looking forward to working with you." Gesturing towards the door.

The students are astonished about what's inside. It's massive, complete with a variety of disaster scenarios. Shipwrecks, landslides, fire, windstorms, and many more. A training ground Thirteen made with different types of accidents and disasters.

Aizawa then asked where was All-Might. Thirteen said that he did too much hero and ran out of time. So he's resting in the lounge.

Aizawa: "That's the height of irrationality."

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