Quirk Apprehension Test

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It's the following day, the students are going to train for the Sports Festival. Giving it their best and going on to becoming heroes.

As for the squad, they were asked to come back today. They'll be put through a Quirk Apprehension test. Aizawa will be there along with his class to see the squad's abilities.

This was to show the students that they were coming along for the ride. The boys went along with them since they didn't mind.

But before all of that, the teachers discussed their involvement with the Festival. It was decided that only three would be participating. The rest would be going out on patrol or they could watch and support their friends.

The three that were selected were Vanoss, Delirious, and Basically. As to why they were selected no one knows. The squad decided on it and just went with it.

Things were needed to be done with their involvement. This included an announcement that they will be participating in the Sports Festival. This brought much shock to the students of UA.

Some were excited to see them up close while others despised them. They saw it as unfair competition or a challenge they must overcome.


Aizawa and his class were on their way to the squad. They'll be meeting at the same place where they took the Quirk Apprehension Test.

The students were excited that they get to see them again and to see their quirks.

Mina: "We are going to see the Banana Bus Squad I'm so excited!" She has been a fan for some time now.

Uraraka: "Yeah they seem so cool."

Tsu: "Sensei, why are we meeting them specifically?" She asked with a finger on her chin.

Aizawa: "Because you can watch and learn something from them. They have the experience as you saw during the villain incident." He explained.

Midoriya: "Is that why they're joining in the Festival?"

Kirishima: "Man that's going to be a challenge. Can't wait to see them."

Bakugo: "They'll just be in the way." He said rudely.

Todoroki: 'Are they really powerful as they make out to be?' He thought.


The boys were getting ready and just battering with each other. They wore the UA PE uniforms for training purposes and their debut in the Festival.

Basically: "I'm digging these uniforms we got on."

Terroriser: "Reminds back in high school those were the days."

Vanoss: "Did you guys notice that the UA logo is on the clothes." All the guys notice this.

Wildcat: "That's pretty sick and these feel comfortable."

Moo: "You guys here comes Mr. Aizawa." He points at the teacher.

Terroriser: "Even the students joined in."

When they all met each other they started their hellos. The students exchange their names and their quirks. This went for a bit until Aizawa tiredly interrupted them.

Aizawa: "Alright enough. Please let's just get this over with. Who's going first?" He said with his voice muffled.

Terroriser: "Damn someone woke up dead. Ok, so what's first."

Aizawa: "It's the 50-meter dash. Sprint in a straight line in less time."

Basically: "Oh this is easy. We can use our quirks, right?"

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